Published 2014 | Version v1

2D- compared 3D- human cell models: cytotoxic effects of humid lightweight coal ash derived from the disposal of waste


The presence of waste in environment represents a significant risk to huma health.. The potential toxic effects of humid lightweight coal ash (EWC100102) derived from waste disposal were investigated in vitro on human keratynocyte and andotelial cell lines, comparing different approac: direct/indirect contact, 2D/3D models.Cyotoxic potential resulted influenced by direct and indirect contact exposure; Endothelial cells resulted more susceptible to experimental exposure; 3D culture can provide a better microenvironment for mimic the real in vivo conditions, and are more sensiive and accurat tool for assessing in vitro potential of a chemical compound,

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April 14, 2023
November 29, 2023