Published 2018 | Version v1

Smoking in Systemic Sclerosis: a Longitudinal European Scleroderma Trials and Research Group Study

Vk, Jaeger
G, Valentini
E, Hachulla
F, Cozzi
O, Distler
P, Airó
L, Czirják
Y, Allanore
E, Siegert
E, Rosato
M, Matucci-Cerinic
C, Caimmi
J, Hene
Pe, Carreira
V, Smith
F, Del Galdo
Cp, Denton
S, Ullman
E, Langhe
V, Riccieri
Jj, Alegre-Sancho
S, Rednic
U, Müller-Ladner
Ua, Walker
Ananieva, Lidia P.
Iannone, Florenzo
Distler, JeorgH. W.
Kerzberg, Eduardo
Stamenkovic, Bojana
Antonio Pereira Da Silva, José
Catellvì, Ivan
Solanki, Kamal
Anic, Branimir
Loyo, Esthela
Schmeiser, Tim
Maria Ionescu, Ruxandra
Villiger, Peter
Paolo Cantatore, Francesco
Garcia de la Pena Lefebvre, Paloma
Mihai, Carina
Farge Bancel, Dominique
Meroni, Pierluigi
Martin, Thierry
Heitmann, Stefan
Hunzelmann, Nicola
Oksel, Fahrettin
Bianchi, Washington
Bongiovanni, Sara
Becvar, Radim
Zenone, Thierry
Balbir-Gurman, Alexandra
Wiland, Piotr
Zebryk, Pawel
Chung, Lori
Vacca, Alessandra
Chizzolini, Carlo
Francesco Selmi, Carlo
Tanaseanu, Cristina-Mihaela
Litinsky, Ira
Houssiau, Frederic A.
Krummel-Lorenz, Brigitte
Hsu, Vivien M.
Fontes, Francisca
Maria Burlui, Alexandra
Martinovic, Duska
Popa, Sergei
Rosner, Itzhak
Mallia, Carmel
Foti, Rosario
Mouthon, Luc
Aringer, Martin
van Laar, Jacob
Hesselstrand, Roger
Rosa Pozzi, Maria
Riemekasten, Gabriela
Cutolo, Maurizio
Hasler, Paul
Mendoza Antonio, Zea
Sunderkotter, Cord
Ancuta, Codrina
Sibilia, Jean
Caporali, Roberto
Gabrielli, Armando
Pellerito, Raffaele
Herrick, Ariane
Midtvedt, Øyvind
Eyerich, Kilian
Granel, Brigitte
Ann Saketkoo, Lesley
Couto, Maura
Eizikovits, Yael
Abignano., Giuseppina


Objective: Data on the role of tobacco exposure in systemic sclerosis (SSc; scleroderma) severity and progression are scarce. We aimed to assess the effects of smoking on the evolution of pulmonary and skin manifestations, based on the European Scleroderma Trials and Research group database. Methods: Adult SSc patients with data on smoking history and a 12–24-month follow-up visit were included. Associations of severity and progression of organ involvement with smoking history and the Comprehensive Smoking Index were assessed using multivariable regression analyses. Results: A total of 3,319 patients were included (mean age 57 years, 85% female); 66% were never smokers, 23% were ex-smokers, and 11% were current smokers. Current smokers had a lower percentage of antitopoisomerase autoantibodies than previous or never smokers (31% versus 40% and 45%, respectively). Never smokers had a higher baseline forced expiratory volume in 1 second/forced vital capacity (FEV1/FVC) ratio than previous and current smokers (P < 0.001). The FEV1/FVC ratio declined faster in current smokers than in never smokers (P = 0.05) or ex-smokers (P = 0.01). The baseline modified Rodnan skin thickness score (MRSS) and the MRSS decline were comparable across smoking groups. Although heavy smoking (>25 pack-years) increased the odds of digital ulcers by almost 50%, there was no robust adverse association of smoking with digital ulcer development. Conclusion: The known adverse effect of smoking on bronchial airways and alveoli is also observed in SSc patients; however, robust adverse effects of smoking on the progression of SSc-specific pulmonary or cutaneous manifestations were not observed. © 2018, American College of Rheumatology

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April 14, 2023
November 28, 2023