Published 2013 | Version v1

HFSP: Size-based scheduling for Hadoop


Size-based scheduling with aging has, for long, been recognized as an effective approach to guarantee fairness and near-optimal system response times. We present HFSP, a scheduler introducing this technique to a real, multi-server, complex and widely used system such as Hadoop. Size-based scheduling requires a priori job size information, which is not available in Hadoop: HFSP builds such knowledge by estimating it on-line during job execution. Our experiments, which are based on realistic workloads generated via a standard benchmarking suite, pinpoint at a significant decrease in system response times with respect to the widely used Hadoop Fair scheduler, and show that HFSP is largely tolerant to job size estimation errors. © 2013 IEEE.

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April 14, 2023
December 1, 2023