Published February 14, 2024 | Version v1

Biodegradable particles for protein delivery: estimation of the release kinetics inside cells


A methodology to quantify the efficiency of the protein loading and in-vitro delivery for biodegradable capsules with different architectures based on polyelectrolytes (dextran sulfate, poly-L-arginine and polyethylenimine) and SiO2 was developed. The capsules were loaded with model proteins such as ovalbumin and green fluorescent protein (GFP), and the protein release profile inside cells (either macrophages or HeLa cells) after endocytosis was analysed. Both, protein loading and release kinetics were evaluated by analysing confocal laser scanning microscopy images using MatLab and CellProfiler software. Our results indicate that silica capsules showed the most efficient release of proteins as cargo molecules within 48 h, as compared to their polymeric counterparts. This developed method for the analysis of the intracellular cargo release kinetics from carrier structures could be used in the future for a better control of drug release profiles.


Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España - MDM-2017 -0720


VI Plan de Investigación y Transferencia de Tecnología de la Universidad de Sevilla - VI PPIT-US


German Research Foundation (DFG) - PA 794/21-2


Russian Federation - 75-15-2021-1333 30.09.2021

Additional details

February 16, 2024
February 16, 2024