Published October 19, 2020 | Version v1
Conference paper

Identifying and Mapping Implemented Variabilities in Java and C++ Systems using symfinder


Variability is present in most modern object-oriented software-intensive systems, despite that they commonly do not follow a product line approach. In these systems, variability is implicit and hardly documented as it is implemented by different traditional mechanisms, namely inheritance, overloading, or design patterns. This hampers variability management as automatic identification of variation points (vp-s) with variants is very difficult. symfinder is a symmetry-based tooled approach that enables automatic identification of potential vp-s with variants in such systems. Then, it visualizes them relying on their density in code assets. From the Java-only version presented at SPLC'2019, we present here several notable improvements. They concern an added support for C ++ systems, the identification of vp-s implemented by Decorator and Template pattern instances, an enhanced visualization (e.g., to display all variants, and package coloring), as well as automation of the mapping of potential vp-s to domain features.


Virtual Conference


International audience

Additional details

December 4, 2022
November 28, 2023