Published 2008 | Version v1

Diagnostic procedure in asbestos-related disease: Marginal considerations in a clinical case of suspected occupational neoplasia (Iter diagnostico nelle patologie asbesto correlate, considerazionia margine di un caso clinico di sospetta neoplasia professionale)


In our country the rate of asbestos - related neoplasia, in particular pleural mesothelioma and lung cancer, is increasing; the data provided by INAIL concerning the complaints for occupational diseases filed in 2006 ex table D.P.R. 336/1994 (neoplastic diseases caused by asbestos: pleural, pericardial and peritoneal mesothelioma; lung cancer) are significant. The total number of such complaints in our country amounts to 753 (135 in Liguria and 384 in the north - western regions). As the issue of health following up of former exposed workers is actually an important concern of occupational medicine, some protocols have recently been proposed with the aim to early diagnose asbestos related neoplasia, thus getting a better prognosis. Under the medico - legal aspect, the need for fixing the proper criteria for aetiological attribution to asbestos of lung cancer in subjects previously exposed to that substance is a controversial issue, being the various approaches quite different; the incidental finding of a lung "coin lesion" in a subject who had been holding an annuity for years, as an indemnity granted by INAIL for asbestosis, has prompted the authors both to thorougly go over such a clinical case and to review the literature on the topic, in particular as to the complex medico - legal implications.

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March 31, 2023
November 28, 2023