Development of a Local Health-Enhancing Physical Activity Policy Analysis Tool in France: CAPLA-Santé
- Others:
- LAMHESS - E4 Activité Physique et Santé : promotion de la santé par l'activité physique ; Laboratoire Motricité Humaine Expertise Sport Santé (LAMHESS) ; Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (1965 - 2019) (UNS) ; COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-Université de Toulon (UTLN)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)-Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (1965 - 2019) (UNS) ; COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-Université de Toulon (UTLN)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)
- Adaptation, mesure et évaluation en santé. Approches interdisciplinaires (APEMAC) ; Université de Lorraine (UL)
- Société française de santé publique
- Centre Émile Durkheim (CED) ; Sciences Po Bordeaux - Institut d'études politiques de Bordeaux (IEP Bordeaux)-Université de Bordeaux (UB)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
The promotion of health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) has become a key objective in public health policy. Therefore, based on the national HEPA Policy Audit Tool Version 2 (HEPA PAT v2) of the World Health Organization, a tool was designed to support local governments in assessing HEPA policies. This study aims to describe the adaptation and testing of the HEPA policy analysis tool (CAPLA-Santé) at the local level in France. The work was conducted in three stages: (1) an intersec-toral group of experts was constituted, and the group adapted each item of the HEPA PAT v2 tool to the local level; (2) a testing phase with seven local governments helped to collect data and feedback on the tool; and (3) a final workshop was organized to adjust and finalize the tool. The final version of CAPLA-Santé contains 21 items divided into six major sections: overview of HEPA stakeholders in the local government area, policy documents , policy contents, funding and political engagement , studies and measures relating to physical activity in the local government area, and progress achieved and future challenges. CAPLA-Santé allows the collection and in-depth analysis of local level policies to assess the progress in promoting HEPA and intersectoral collaboration as well as identifying successful policy levers and remaining challenges.
International audience
Additional details
- urn:oai:HAL:hal-02865823v1
- Origin repository