Published March 22, 2018 | Version v1

New insights into surface-functionalized swelling high charged micas: Their adsorption performance for non-ionic organic pollutants


The major components of the wastewater from the petroleum refineries are benzene, toluene and phenol and one of the techniques applied to the treatment of effluents is sorption using organo-functionalized clay. The materials exploited in the present study are a family of surface-functionalized synthetic micas and their sorption capacities for non-ionic organic pollutants are analyzed. The organo-functionalization of their surface provides them the capacity to sorb effectively non-ionic pollutants in the interface. Their adsorption performance is a function of the alkylamonium properties such as the chain length, the mass fraction and the organization of the organic cation in the interlayer space of the micas.


Junta de Andalucía FEDER P12-FQM-567


Spanish State Program R+D +I oriented societal challenges FEDER MAT2015-63929-R


El patrimonio autónomo fondo nacional de financiamiento para la ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación, Francisco José de Caldas FP44842-627-2014

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March 27, 2023
November 29, 2023