Published April 3, 2018 | Version v1

Estrategias de aprendizaje espacial en la carpa dorada (Carassius auratus)


Mammals and birds can use different spatial navigation strategies subserved by distinct learning and memory systems. A range of evidence suggests that when animals are trained in a test environment where they can simultaneously rely on the spatial relationships among distal landmarks (place strategy) and on a single conspicuous local visual cue (cue strategy) to find a goal, they learn both place and cue strategies to solve the task. However, despite the importance of comparative studies for understanding the structure and functions of spatial learning and memory systems in vertebrates, only a few studies have investigated spatial learning mechanisms in other vertebrate groups, such as fish. This experiment was designed to study the spatial strategies used by goldfish to find a goal in a plus maze.Goldfish were trained to find food in an arm plaed in a constant room location and simultaneously signaled by a single local visual cue (mixed place-cue procedure). Later probe trials were performed in order to examine the relative importance of these sources of information and reveal learning and memory strategies used by the animals to solve the maze task. In these probe trials, either the two sources of information were dissociated in such a way that the goldfish needed to choose between place or guidance respnses, or intramaze proximal cues or the extramaze distal landmarks were individually removed. The results suggest that fish, like mammals and birds, are able to solve a maze task using a place strategy or a guidance strategy, and that these animals can switch from one strategy to another choosing and correctly performing the more adecuate of the two in each situation.


Las aves y mamíferos pueden usar diferentes estrategias de navegación basadas en diferentes sistemas de aprendizaje y memoria.Diversas evidencias muestran que, cuando los animales son entrenados en tareas en las que pueden utilizar las relaciones espaciales entre claves distales (aprendizaje de lugar) y una clave individual (aprendizaje de guía) simultáneamente para localizar una meta, realizan adecuadamente la tarea utilizando ambas estrategias. Sin embargo, a pesar de la importancia de ls estudios comparados para la comprensión de la estructura y función de los sistemas de aprendizaje y memoria en vertebrados, pocos son los estudios dirigidos a analizar estos sistemas en grupos de vertebrados distintos a estos, como pueden ser por ejemplo los peces. El presente experimento fue diseñado con el objetivo de estudiar las estrategias empleadas por el carpín dorado para localizar una meta en un laberinto radial de 4 brazos. Los peces fueron entrenados para obtener alimento en el extremo de un brazo situado en una posición constante de la habitación y señalado también por una clave visual individual (procedimiento mixto lugar-guía). Posteriormente se realizaron ensayos de prueba diseñados para COMPLETAR

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March 27, 2023
November 29, 2023