Published 2004 | Version v1

Environmental agent susceptibility assessment using existing and novel biomarkers as rapid non-invasive testing methods


EASYRING (QLK4-2002-02286) aims to develop and validate novel non-invasive methods for the detection of biomarkers of endocrine disrupters (EDs) directly in the mucus of aquatic species, to identify novel functional biomarker(s)for EDs and to verify their applicability for in field studies. The multidisciplinary approach foreseens: integrated testing in vitro protocols to identify water and sediment fraction with potential endocrine disrupting activity; development of new methods in GC-MS and LC-MS; identification and characterization of new biomarker (s) for EDs; production and validation of new enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) for the detection of new biomarkers; development and validation of a dipstick based test method; development of predictive models. First results coming from these sections are presented.

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April 14, 2023
December 1, 2023