Published October 11, 2022 | Version v1

A Methodological Proposal and Tool Support for the HL7 Standards Compliance in the Development of Health Information Systems


Health information systems are increasingly complex, and their development is presented as a challenge for software development companies offering quality, maintainable and interoperable products. HL7 (Health level 7) International, an international non-profit organization, defines and maintains standards related to health information systems. However, the modelling languages proposed by HL7 are far removed from standard languages and widely known by software engineers. In these lines, NDT is a software development methodology that has a support tool called NDT-Suite and is based, on the one hand, on the paradigm of model-driven engineering and, on the other hand, in UML that is a widely recognized standard language. This paper proposes an extension of the NDT methodology called MoDHE (Model Driven Health Engineering) to offer software engineers a methodology capable of modelling health information systems conforming to HL7 using UML domain models.


Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2016-76956-C3-2-R


Junta de Andalucía PIN-0213-2016


Instituto de Salud Carlos III PITeS TliSS project, code PI15/01213


Instituto de Salud Carlos III PT13/0006/0036

Additional details

March 24, 2023
November 30, 2023