Published April 25, 2018 | Version v1

Eliminación de metales pesados en disolución mediante adsorción en carbón activo y arcillas de intercambio. Ensayos realizados con las aguas ácidas vertidas tras la rotura de la balsa minera de Aznalcóllar (Sevilla)


Among the different treaúnent systems assessed for the purification of the wastewaters poured from Aznacóllar quarry the last April 25, 1998, physical and chemical adsorption proved highly efficient for the removal of refractory heavy metals, In laboratory experiments, 99% of dissolved Mn and Zn was removed when wastewater passed through a packed bed column filled with a cationic exchange clair In the same way activated carbon adsorption removed more than B0% of dissolved Zn and 11-16% of Mn. Results confirm the feasibility of these processes and contribute knowledge on their operational characteristics so that in any other similar situation we can consider aII treatment possibilities.

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March 27, 2023
December 1, 2023