Published 2019 | Version v1

Assessment of bimanual proprioception during an orientation matching task with a physically coupled object


Assessing proprioception is important for understanding and treating sensorimotor impairments. Many daily tasks require bimanual manipulation of objects, but state of the art methods for the assessment of proprioception are far away from bimanual activities, and instead evaluate sensorimotor integrity in oversimplified and often unimanual goal-directed tasks. Here, we developed a new device and method to assess proprioception and force production by simulating a realistic bimanual behavior. Twelve healthy participants held a physically coupled object - a sensorized box - and matched target orientations about the three principal axes without and with added weights. Our preliminary findings indicate that bimanual proprioception during orientation matching depends on the axis of rotation. For example, in rotations about the lateral axis of the body, underestimation and overestimation of the target angle depends on its orientation in a body-centered reference frame: participants tended to underestimate targets that required rotation far away from the body and overestimated angles that required rotation towards the body. We also found that for the same rotation axis, the larger were the rotations, the higher was the force applied. Moreover, we also found that fatigue causes undershoot in orientation matching. In the future, this tool could be adopted for assessment and treatment of sensorimotor deficits in bimanual functional tasks.

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April 14, 2023
November 29, 2023