Published 2021 | Version v1

An in-depth study of cheese ripening by means of NIR hyperspectral imaging: Spatial mapping of dehydration, proteolysis and lipolysis


Cheese represents one of the most complex food matrices, for the high number of factors contributing to the chemical composition, and so its evaluation represents an important analytical challenge. The present study describes an innovative and non-destructive analytical approach, based on hyperspectral imaging in the near-infrared region (HSI-NIR) and multivariate pattern recognition, to study and monitor the extent – spatial and temporal – of biochemical phenomena responsible for cheese ripening. NIR spectral bands characterising dehydration, proteolysis and lipolysis were individuated and studied by exploiting a representative sample set of characteristic cheeses. The information obtained was employed to develop score maps based on principal component analysis (PCA), which permitted to monitor and visualise the ripening of Formaggetta, a commercial semi-hard cheese typical of Liguria, an Italian region, providing a deep understanding of the evolution of dehydration, proteolysis and lipolysis during the maturation period that precedes the placing on the market.

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March 27, 2023
November 30, 2023