Published 2021 | Version v1

The interaction between hydrogel therapeutic lenses and 2 eyedrop drugs


The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of different lens types on the availa-9 bility and efficacy of anti-inflammatory and antibiotic drugs.Three lens types were examined: (a) 10 nonionic hydrogel lenses; (2) ionic hydrogel lenses; and (3) silicone hydrogel lenses. The lenses 11 were incubated with (a) dexamethasone; (b) betamethasone; (c) bromophenacyl bromide; and (d) 12 chloramphenicol. Drug availability was quantified by gradient HPLC, and chloramphenicol anti-13 bacterial activity was quantified by testing the inhibition of Salmonella typhimurium growth on 14 agar. The lens allowing the most abundant passage of betamethasone was the ionic hydrogel lens, 15 followed by the silicone hydrogel lens and nonionic hydrogel lens. The lens allowing the most 16 abundant passage of dexamethasone was the ionic hydrogel lens, but only at 0.5 h and 1 h. Re-17 garding chloramphenicol, the ionic hydrogel lens and silicone hydrogel lens allowed more abun-18 dant passage than the nonionic hydrogel lens. These results highlight the relevance of adapting 19 lenses to anti-inflammatory therapy, thus allowing a personalized medical approach.

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April 14, 2023
November 27, 2023