Published December 16, 2022 | Version v1

Design of a smart packaging for sherry wines through holonic engineering


The purpose of this study is the introduction of the Holonic framework for the conceptual design of an "intelligent packaging" in the Sherry Wine´s Industry. This purpose is based on the search for an effective design, that is, a design that produces the desired effect on the user, thus fulfilling their expectations and leaving aside the existing problems in the traditional wine packaging. Due to the lack of specific methodologies, the holonic model has been chosen as an integrating framework for the design and development of conventional products. In addition, this model allows to support the combined use of other classical methodologies such as: AHP, QFD, FAST, TRIZ among other, allowing to use in the model, the advantages provided by each of them separately. The result is the methodological application to the design of an intelligent package that achieves the desired goals while improving the consumer experience. The proposed packaging design allows its direct reuse, being advantageous for obtaining certifications and audit approval. In addition, the use of intelligent technologies allows effective control and correct use of the product.

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March 24, 2023
December 1, 2023