Published 2003 | Version v1

Influence of large spectrum environmental contamination on the micro-meiobenthic assemblages in harbour sediments of the Ligurian Sea


The concentration of a large spectrum of environmental contaminants (PCBs, PAHs, pesticides and metals) was assessed in surface sediments of two Ligurian harbours (Sanremo and Alassio, NW Mediterranean Sea, Italy) and their relative impact on micro–meiobenthic assemblages was analysed. Concentration, distribution and relative importance of the different contaminants varied considerably between harbours in relation to the different anthropic activities and contamination sources. Results from Principal Component Analysis indicated that high levels of contaminants were typically correlated with low micro–meiobenthic abundance in the sediment. Heavy metals and the organic enrichment were the main factors affecting the distribution and abundance of the bacterial and meiofaunal assemblages in Alassio harbour, whereas hydrocarbons and pesticides played a major role in Sanremo sediments. Neither the bacteria density nor the meiofauna abundance were dependent on sediment grain size, suggesting that micro–meiobenthic parameters may be under the influence of other variables. Our results suggest that high concentrations of contaminants independently from their source or typology are responsible for the impact observed on micro–meiobenthic assemblages in these harbours.

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March 25, 2023
November 28, 2023