Published April 14, 2020 | Version v1

Recent insights into xerogel and aerogel mineral composites for CO 2 mineral sequestration


Supercritically dried composites have already been analysed and proposed as carbon dioxide sequesters. However, the economical and energetic costs of the supercritical drying process had to be re-evaluated, and were eventually found not to enhance the feasibility of the proposed route for CO2 mineral sequestration. Different composites series were synthesised with the only difference being the drying method. The structures of the porous matrix were characterised as well as their ability to capture CO2. The first results showed that the xerogel matrix is as good a host as the aerogel one, and also avoids expensive procedures such as supercritical drying for sample preparation without losing CO2 capture capacity and enhancing the efficiency of the whole carbon sequestration process. In this case, the sample preparation was simplified as much as possible, with the aim of reducing energetic and economic costs. Although good carbonation efficiencies were obtained with these cheap samples, the first results showed that previous high carbonation efficiencies could not be repeated.


Junta de Andalucía TEP115


Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PIA42008-31

Additional details

December 5, 2022
November 28, 2023