Published 2020 | Version v1

A new identification method for non-linear roll resonance in irregular waves


In setting a safe route for a ship, one of the problems to face is represented by excessive roll motions deriving from resonance phenomena in adverse weather conditions. An effective prediction of the roll motion amplification is related to a proper mathematical modelling of the ship motions. Linear models may result to be inadequate in case of large roll motions, where non-linear effects dominate. This paper investigates the roll response resonance in irregular waves. The developed method aims at demonstrating the influence of the non-linear immersed hull geometry, as already acknowledged in literature for regular seas. A 6-Dof non-linear model is applied for generating the time histories of ship roll motions in irregular waves. These are fed into an optimization routine, able of finding the linear system (focusing at its natural roll frequency) that better approximates the non-linear one at a certain mean roll amplitude. The outcomes of this research are meant to support the estimation of roll resonance period accounting for non-linearities of immersed hull geometry, allowing for a more reliable solution of weather routing problems.

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April 14, 2023
November 28, 2023