Published June 1, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article

On the role of density and attenuation in three-dimensional multiparameter viscoacoustic VTI frequency-domain FWI: an OBC case study from the North Sea


3-D frequency-domain full waveform inversion (FWI) is applied on North Sea wide-azimuth ocean-bottom cable data at low frequencies (≤10 Hz) to jointly update vertical wave speed, density and quality factor Q in the viscoacoustic VTI approximation. We assess whether density and Q should be viewed as proxy to absorb artefacts resulting from approximate wave physics or are valuable for interpretation in the presence of soft sediments and gas cloud. FWI is performed in the frequency domain to account for attenuation easily. Multiparameter frequency-domain FWI is efficiently performed with a few discrete frequencies following a multiscale frequency continuation. However, grouping a few frequencies during each multiscale step is necessary to mitigate acquisition footprint and match dispersive shallow guided waves. Q and density absorb a significant part of the acquisition footprint hence cleaning the velocity model from this pollution. Low Q perturbations correlate with low-velocity zones associated with soft sediments and gas cloud. However, the amplitudes of the Q perturbations show significant variations when the inversion tuning is modified. This dispersion in the Q reconstructions is however not passed on the velocity parameter suggesting that cross-talks between first-order kinematic and second-order dynamic parameters are limited. The density model shows a good match with a well log at shallow depths. Moreover, the impedance built a posteriori from the FWI velocity and density models shows a well-focused image with however local differences with the velocity model near the sea bed where density might have absorbed elastic effects. The FWI models are finally assessed against time-domain synthetic seismogram modelling performed with the same frequency-domain modelling engine used for FWI.


International audience

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December 4, 2022
November 29, 2023