Published 2009 | Version v1

Antiviral and cytotoxic activities of aminoarylazo compounds and aryltriazene derivatives


Twelve aminoarylazocompounds (A–C) and 46 aryltriazene 7 derivatives (D–G) have been synthesized and evaluated in cell-based assays for cytotoxicity and antiviral activity against a panel of 10 RNA and DNA viruses. Eight aminoazocompounds and 27 aryltriazene derivatives exhibited antiviral activity, sometimes of high level, against one or more viruses. A marked activity against BVDV and YFV was prevailing among the former compounds, while the latter type of compounds affected mainly CVB-2 and RSV. None of the active compounds inhibited the multiplication of HIV-1, VSV and VV. Arranged in order of decreasing potency and selectivity versus the host cell lines, the best compounds are the following; BVDV: 1 > 7 > 8 > 4; YFV: 7 > 5; CVB-2: 25 > 56 > 18; RSV: 14 > 20 > 55 > 38 > 18 > 19; HSV- 1: 2. For these compounds the EC50 ranged from 1.6 μM (1) to 12 μM (18), and the S. I. from 19.4 (1) to 4.2 (2). Thus the aminoarylazo and aryltriazene substructures appear as interesting molecular component for developing antiviral agents against ss RNA viruses, particularly against RSV and BVDV, which are important human and veterinary pathogens. Finally, molecular modeling investigations indicated that compounds of structure A–C, active against BVDV, could work targeting the viral RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase (RdRp), having been observed a good agreement between the trends of the estimated IC50 and the experimental EC50 values.

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October 11, 2023
December 1, 2023