Railroad Crossing Heterogeneous Model
- Creators
- Vara Larsen, Matias Ezequiel
- Goknil, Arda
Systems are getting more and more complex and usually in- volve many stakeholders. Stakeholders are concerned by different aspects of the system, potentially supported by multiple Domain Specific Mod- eling Languages (DSMLs). The DSMLs are usually different not only in their syntax but also in their behavioral semantics. In order to pro- vide simulation and/or verification of the overall system, it is mandatory to compose the DSMLs behavioral semantics. The composition of the DSMLs behavioral semantics results in the coordination of different mod- els that conform to the DSMLs. This paper presents the coordination of the models representing a railroad crossing management system. The sys- tem is composed of two models, conforming to two different DSMLs. The paper explains the behavioral semantics of these DSMLs and presents a simple coordination of the models used in the example.
This research was supported by ANR GEMOC project.
International audience
Additional details
- https://inria.hal.science/hal-00867316
- urn:oai:HAL:hal-00867316v2
- Origin repository