Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy.
- Creators
- Klionsky, Daniel J
- Abdalla, Fabio C
- Abeliovich, Hagai
- Abraham, Robert T
- Acevedo-Arozena, Abraham
- Adeli, Khosrow
- Agholme, Lotta
- Agnello, Maria
- Agostinis, Patrizia
- Aguirre-Ghiso, Julio A
- Ahn, Hyung Jun
- Ait-Mohamed, Ouardia
- Ait-Si-Ali, Slimane
- Akematsu, Takahiko
- Akira, Shizuo
- Al-Younes, Hesham M
- Al-Zeer, Munir A
- Albert, Matthew L
- Albin, Roger L
- Alegre-Abarrategui, Javier
- Aleo, Maria Francesca
- Alirezaei, Mehrdad
- Almasan, Alexandru
- Almonte-Becerril, Maylin
- Amano, Atsuo
- Amaravadi, Ravi
- Amarnath, Shoba
- Amer, Amal O
- Andrieu-Abadie, Nathalie
- Anantharam, Vellareddy
- Ann, David K
- Anoopkumar-Dukie, Shailendra
- Aoki, Hiroshi
- Apostolova, Nadezda
- Auberger, Patrick
- Baba, Misuzu
- Backues, Steven K
- Baehrecke, Eric H
- Bahr, Ben A
- Bai, Xue-Yuan
- Bailly, Yannick
- Baiocchi, Robert
- Baldini, Giulia
- Balduini, Walter
- Ballabio, Andrea
- Bamber, Bruce A
- Bampton, Edward T W
- Bánhegyi, Gábor
- Bartholomew, Clinton R
- Bassham, Diane C
- Bast, Robert C
- Batoko, Henri
- Bay, Boon-Huat
- Beau, Isabelle
- Béchet, Daniel M
- Begley, Thomas J
- Behl, Christian
- Behrends, Christian
- Bekri, Soumeya
- Bellaire, Bryan
- Bendall, Linda J
- Benetti, Luca
- Berliocchi, Laura
- Bernardi, Henri
- Bernassola, Francesca
- Besteiro, Sébastien
- Bhatia-Kissova, Ingrid
- Bi, Xiaoning
- Biard-Piechaczyk, Martine
- Blum, Janice S
- Boise, Lawrence H
- Bonaldo, Paolo
- Boone, David L
- Bornhauser, Beat C
- Bortoluci, Karina R
- Bossis, Ioannis
- Bost, Frédéric
- Bourquin, Jean-Pierre
- Boya, Patricia
- Boyer-Guittaut, Michaël
- Bozhkov, Peter V
- Brady, Nathan R
- Brancolini, Claudio
- Brech, Andreas
- Brenman, Jay E
- Brennand, Ana
- Bresnick, Emery H
- Brest, Patrick
- Bridges, Dave
- Bristol, Molly L
- Brookes, Paul S
- Brown, Eric J
- Brumell, John H
- Brunetti-Pierri, Nicola
- Brunk, Ulf T
- Bulman, Dennis E
- Bultman, Scott J
- Bultynck, Geert
- Burbulla, Lena F
- Bursch, Wilfried
- Butchar, Jonathan P
- Buzgariu, Wanda
- Bydlowski, Sergio P
- Cadwell, Ken
- Cahová, Monika
- Cai, Dongsheng
- Cai, Jiyang
- Cai, Qian
- Calabretta, Bruno
- Calvo-Garrido, Javier
- Camougrand, Nadine
- Campanella, Michelangelo
- Campos-Salinas, Jenny
- Candi, Eleonora
- Cao, Lizhi
- Caplan, Allan B
- Carding, Simon R
- Cardoso, Sandra M
- Carew, Jennifer S
- Carlin, Cathleen R
- Carmignac, Virginie
- Carneiro, Leticia a M
- Carra, Serena
- Caruso, Rosario A
- Casari, Giorgio
- Casas, Caty
- Castino, Roberta
- Cebollero, Eduardo
- Cecconi, Francesco
- Celli, Jean
- Chaachouay, Hassan
- Chae, Han-Jung
- Chai, Chee-Yin
- Chan, David C
- Chan, Edmond y
- Chang, Raymond Chuen-Chung
- Che, Chi-Ming
- Chen, Ching-Chow
- Chen, Guang-Chao
- Chen, Guo-Qiang
- Chen, Min
- Chen, Quan
- Chen, Steve S-L
- Chen, Wenli
- Chen, Xi
- Chen, Xiangmei
- Chen, Xiequn
- Chen, Ye-Guang
- Chen, Yingyu
- Chen, Yongqiang
- Chen, Yu-Jen
- Chen, Zhixiang
- Cheng, Alan
- Cheng, Christopher H K
- Cheng, Yan
- Cheong, Heesun
- Cheong, Jae-Ho
- Cherry, Sara
- Chess-Williams, Russ
- Cheung, Zelda H
- Chevet, Eric
- Chiang, Hui-Ling
- Chiarelli, Roberto
- Chiba, Tomoki
- Chin, Lih-Shen
- Chiou, Shih-Hwa
- Chisari, Francis V
- Cho, Chi Hin
- Cho, Dong-Hyung
- Choi, Augustine M K
- Choi, Dooseok
- Choi, Kyeong Sook
- Choi, Mary E
- Chouaib, Salem
- Choubey, Divaker
- Choubey, Vinay
- Chu, Charleen T
- Chuang, Tsung-Hsien
- Chueh, Sheau-Huei
- Chun, Taehoon
- Chwae, Yong-Joon
- Chye, Mee-Len
- Ciarcia, Roberto
- Ciriolo, Maria R
- Clague, Michael J
- Clark, Robert S B
- Clarke, Peter G H
- Clarke, Robert
- Codogno, Patrice
- Coller, Hilary A
- Colombo, MarÃa I
- Comincini, Sergio
- Condello, Maria
- Condorelli, Fabrizio
- Cookson, Mark R
- Coombs, Graham H
- Coppens, Isabelle
- Corbalan, Ramon
- Cossart, Pascale
- Costelli, Paola
- Costes, Safia
- Coto-Montes, Ana
- Couve, Eduardo
- Coxon, Fraser P
- Cregg, James M
- Crespo, José L
- Cronjé, Marianne J
- Cuervo, Ana Maria
- Cullen, Joseph J
- Czaja, Mark J
- d'Amelio, Marcello
- Darfeuille-Michaud, Arlette
- Davids, Lester M
- Davies, Faith E
- de Felici, Massimo
- de Groot, John F
- de Haan, Cornelis a M
- de Martino, Luisa
- de Milito, Angelo
- de Tata, Vincenzo
- Debnath, Jayanta
- Degterev, Alexei
- Dehay, Benjamin
- Delbridge, Lea M D
- Demarchi, Francesca
- Deng, Yi Zhen
- Dengjel, Jörn
- Dent, Paul
- Denton, Donna
- Deretic, Vojo
- Desai, Shyamal D
- Devenish, Rodney J
- Di Gioacchino, Mario
- Di Paolo, Gilbert
- Di Pietro, Chiara
- DÃaz-Araya, Guillermo
- DÃaz-Laviada, Inés
- Diaz-Meco, Maria T
- Diaz-Nido, Javier
- Dikic, Ivan
- Dinesh-Kumar, Savithramma P
- Ding, Wen-Xing
- Distelhorst, Clark W
- Diwan, Abhinav
- Djavaheri-Mergny, Mojgan
- Dokudovskaya, Svetlana
- Dong, Zheng
- Dorsey, Frank C
- Dosenko, Victor
- Dowling, James J
- Doxsey, Stephen
- Dreux, Marlène
- Drew, Mark E
- Duan, Qiuhong
- Duchosal, Michel A
- Duff, Karen
- Dugail, Isabelle
- Durbeej, Madeleine
- Duszenko, Michael
- Edelstein, Charles L
- Edinger, Aimee L
- Egea, Gustavo
- Eichinger, Ludwig
- Eissa, N Tony
- Ekmekcioglu, Suhendan
- El-Deiry, Wafik S
- Elazar, Zvulun
- Elgendy, Mohamed
- Ellerby, Lisa M
- Eng, Kai Er
- Engelbrecht, Anna-Mart
- Engelender, Simone
- Erenpreisa, Jekaterina
- Escalante, Ricardo
- Esclatine, Audrey
- Eskelinen, Eeva-Liisa
- Espert, Lucile
- Espina, Virginia
- Fan, Huizhou
- Fan, Jia
- Fan, Qi-Wen
- Fan, Zhen
- Fang, Shengyun
- Fang, Yongqi
- Fanto, Manolis
- Fanzani, Alessandro
- Farkas, Thomas
- Farré, Jean-Claude
- Faure, Mathias
- Fechheimer, Marcus
- Feng, Carl G
- Feng, Jian
- Feng, Qili
- Feng, Youji
- Fésüs, László
- Feuer, Ralph
- Figueiredo-Pereira, Maria E
- Fimia, Gian Maria
- Fingar, Diane C
- Finkbeiner, Steven
- Finkel, Toren
- Finley, Kim D
- Fiorito, Filomena
- Fisher, Edward A
- Fisher, Paul B
- Flajolet, Marc
- Florez-Mcclure, Maria L
- Florio, Salvatore
- Fon, Edward A
- Fornai, Francesco
- Fortunato, Franco
- Fotedar, Rati
- Fowler, Daniel H
- Fox, Howard S
- Franco, Rodrigo
- Frankel, Lisa B
- Fransen, Marc
- Fuentes, José M
- Fueyo, Juan
- Fujii, Jun
- Fujisaki, Kozo
- Fujita, Eriko
- Fukuda, Mitsunori
- Furukawa, Ruth H
- Gaestel, Matthias
- Gailly, Philippe
- Gajewska, Malgorzata
- Galliot, Brigitte
- Galy, Vincent
- Ganesh, Subramaniam
- Ganetzky, Barry
- Ganley, Ian G
- Gao, Fen-Biao
- Gao, George F
- Gao, Jinming
- Garcia, Lorena
- Garcia-Manero, Guillermo
- Garcia-Marcos, Mikel
- Garmyn, Marjan
- Gartel, Andrei L
- Gatti, Evelina
- Gautel, Mathias
- Gawriluk, Thomas R
- Gegg, Matthew E
- Geng, Jiefei
- Germain, Marc
- Gestwicki, Jason E
- Gewirtz, David A
- Ghavami, Saeid
- Ghosh, Pradipta
- Giammarioli, Anna M
- Giatromanolaki, Alexandra N
- Gibson, Spencer B
- Gilkerson, Robert W
- Ginger, Michael L
- Goncu, Ebru
- Gongora, Céline
- Gonzalez, Claudio D
- Gonzalez, Ramon
- González-Estévez, Cristina
- González-Polo, Rosa Ana
- Gonzalez-Rey, Elena
- Gorbunov, Nikolai V
- Gorski, Sharon
- Goruppi, Sandro
- Gottlieb, Roberta A
- Gozuacik, Devrim
- Granato, Giovanna Elvira
- Grant, Gary D
- Green, Kim N
- Gregorc, Aleš
- Gros, Frédéric
- Grose, Charles
- Grunt, Thomas W
- Gual, Philippe
- Guan, Jun-Lin
- Guan, Kun-Liang
- Guichard, Sylvie M
- Gukovskaya, Anna S
- Gukovsky, Ilya
- Gunst, Jan
- Gustafsson, Asa B
- Halayko, Andrew J
- Hale, Amber N
- Halonen, Sandra K
- Hamasaki, Maho
- Han, Feng
- Han, Ting
- Hancock, Michael K
- Hansen, Malene
- Harada, Hisashi
- Harada, Masaru
- Hardt, Stefan E
- Harper, J Wade
- Harris, Adrian L
- Harris, James
- Harris, Steven D
- Hébert, Marie-Joseé
- Heidenreich, Kim A
- Helfrich, Miep H
- Helgason, Gudmundur V
- Henske, Elizabeth P
- Herman, Brian
- Herman, Paul K
- Hetz, Claudio
- Hilfiker, Sabine
- Hill, Joseph A
- Hocking, Lynne J
- Hofman, Paul
- Hofmann, Thomas G
- Höhfeld, Jörg
- Holyoake, Tessa L
- Hong, Ming-Huang
- Hood, David A
- Hotamisligil, Gökhan S
- Houwerzijl, Ewout J
- Høyer-Hansen, Maria
- Hu, Bingren
- Hu, Chien-an A
- Hu, Hong-Ming
- Hua, Ya
- Huang, Canhua
- Huang, Ju
- Huang, Shengbing
- Huang, Wei-Pang
- Huber, Tobias B
- Huh, Won-Ki
- Hung, Tai-Ho
- Hupp, Ted R
- Hur, Gang Min
- Hurley, James B
- Hussain, Sabah N A
- Hussey, Patrick J
- Hwang, Jung Jin
- Hwang, Seungmin
- Ichihara, Atsuhiro
- Ilkhanizadeh, Shirin
- Inoki, Ken
- Into, Takeshi
- Iovane, Valentina
- Iovanna, Juan L
- Ip, Nancy y
- Isaka, Yoshitaka
- Ishida, Hiroyuki
- Isidoro, Ciro
- Isobe, Ken-Ichi
- Iwasaki, Akiko
- Izquierdo, Marta
- Izumi, Yotaro
- Jaakkola, Panu M
- Jäättelä, Marja
- Jackson, George R
- Jackson, William T
- Janji, Bassam
- Jendrach, Marina
- Jeon, Ju-Hong
- Jeung, Eui-Bae
- Jiang, Hong
- Jiang, Hongchi
- Jiang, Jean X
- Jiang, Ming
- Jiang, Qing
- Jiang, Xuejun
- Jiménez, Alberto
- Jin, Meiyan
- Jin, Shengkan
- Joe, Cheol O
- Johansen, Terje
- Johnson, Daniel E
- Johnson, Gail V W
- Jones, Nicola L
- Joseph, Bertrand
- Joseph, Suresh K
- Joubert, Annie M
- Juhász, Gábor
- Juillerat-Jeanneret, Lucienne
- Jung, Chang Hwa
- Jung, Yong-Keun
- Kaarniranta, Kai
- Kaasik, Allen
- Kabuta, Tomohiro
- Kadowaki, Motoni
- Kagedal, Katarina
- Kamada, Yoshiaki
- Kaminskyy, Vitaliy O
- Kampinga, Harm H
- Kanamori, Hiromitsu
- Kang, Chanhee
- Kang, Khong Bee
- Kang, Kwang Il
- Kang, Rui
- Kang, Yoon-A
- Kanki, Tomotake
- Kanneganti, Thirumala-Devi
- Kanno, Haruo
- Kanthasamy, Anumantha G
- Kanthasamy, Arthi
- Karantza, Vassiliki
- Kaushal, Gur P
- Kaushik, Susmita
- Kawazoe, Yoshinori
- Ke, Po-Yuan
- Kehrl, John H
- Kelekar, Ameeta
- Kerkhoff, Claus
- Kessel, David H
- Khalil, Hany
- Kiel, Jan a K W
- Kiger, Amy A
- Kihara, Akio
- Kim, Deok Ryong
- Kim, Do-Hyung
- Kim, Dong-Hou
- Kim, Eun-Kyoung
- Kim, Hyung-Ryong
- Kim, Jae-Sung
- Kim, Jeong Hun
- Kim, Jin Cheon
- Kim, John K
- Kim, Peter K
- Kim, Seong Who
- Kim, Yong-Sun
- Kim, Yonghyun
- Kimchi, Adi
- Kimmelman, Alec C
- King, Jason S
- Kinsella, Timothy J
- Kirkin, Vladimir
- Kirshenbaum, Lorrie A
- Kitamoto, Katsuhiko
- Kitazato, Kaio
- Klein, Ludger
- Klimecki, Walter T
- Klucken, Jochen
- Knecht, Erwin
- Ko, Ben C B
- Koch, Jan C
- Koga, Hiroshi
- Koh, Jae-Young
- Koh, Young Ho
- Koike, Masato
- Komatsu, Masaaki
- Kominami, Eiki
- Kong, Hee Jeong
- Kong, Wei-Jia
- Korolchuk, Viktor I
- Kotake, Yaichiro
- Koukourakis, Michael I
- Kouri Flores, Juan B
- Kovács, Attila L
- Kraft, Claudine
- Krainc, Dimitri
- Krämer, Helmut
- Kretz-Remy, Carole
- Krichevsky, Anna M
- Kroemer, Guido
- Krüger, Rejko
- Krut, Oleg
- Ktistakis, Nicholas T
- Kuan, Chia-Yi
- Kucharczyk, Roza
- Kumar, Ashok
- Kumar, Raj
- Kumar, Sharad
- Kundu, Mondira
- Kung, Hsing-Jien
- Kurz, Tino
- Kwon, Ho Jeong
- La Spada, Albert R
- Lafont, Frank
- Lamark, Trond
- Landry, Jacques
- Lane, Jon D
- Lapaquette, Pierre
- Laporte, Jocelyn F
- László, Lajos
- Lavandero, Sergio
- Lavoie, Josée N
- Layfield, Robert
- Lazo, Pedro A
- Le, Weidong
- Le Cam, Laurent
- Ledbetter, Daniel J
- Lee, Alvin J X
- Lee, Byung-Wan
- Lee, Gyun Min
- Lee, Jongdae
- Lee, Ju-Hyun
- Lee, Michael
- Lee, Myung-Shik
- Lee, Sug Hyung
- Leeuwenburgh, Christiaan
- Legembre, Patrick
- Legouis, Renaud
- Lehmann, Michael
- Lei, Huan-Yao
- Lei, Qun-Ying
- Leib, David A
- Leiro, José
- Lemasters, John J
- Lemoine, Antoinette
- Lesniak, Maciej S
- Lev, Dina
- Levenson, Victor V
- Levine, Beth
- Levy, Efrat
- Li, Faqiang
- Li, Jun-Lin
- Li, Lian
- Li, Sheng
- Li, Weijie
- Li, Xue-Jun
- Li, Yan-Bo
- Li, Yi-Ping
- Liang, Chengyu
- Liang, Qiangrong
- Liao, Yung-Feng
- Liberski, Pawel P
- Lieberman, Andrew
- Lim, Hyunjung J
- Lim, Kah-Leong
- Lim, Kyu
- Lin, Chiou-Feng
- Lin, Fu-Cheng
- Lin, Jian
- Lin, Jiandie D
- Lin, Kui
- Lin, Wan-Wan
- Lin, Weei-Chin
- Lin, Yi-Ling
- Linden, Rafael
- Lingor, Paul
- Lippincott-Schwartz, Jennifer
- Lisanti, Michael P
- Liton, Paloma B
- Liu, Bo
- Liu, Chun-Feng
- Liu, Kaiyu
- Liu, Leyuan
- Liu, Qiong A
- Liu, Wei
- Liu, Young-Chau
- Liu, Yule
- Lockshin, Richard A
- Lok, Chun-Nam
- Lonial, Sagar
- Loos, Benjamin
- Lopez-Berestein, Gabriel
- López-OtÃn, Carlos
- Lossi, Laura
- Lotze, Michael T
- LÅ‘w, Peter
- Lu, Binfeng
- Lu, Bingwei
- Lu, Bo
- Lu, Zhen
- Luciano, Frédéric
- Lukacs, Nicholas W
- Lund, Anders H
- Lynch-Day, Melinda A
- Ma, Yong
- Macian, Fernando
- Mackeigan, Jeff P
- Macleod, Kay F
- Madeo, Frank
- Maiuri, Luigi
- Maiuri, Maria Chiara
- Malagoli, Davide
- Malicdan, May Christine V
- Malorni, Walter
- Man, Na
- Mandelkow, Eva-Maria
- Manon, Stéphen
- Manov, Irena
- Mao, Kai
- Mao, Xiang
- Mao, Zixu
- Marambaud, Philippe
- Marazziti, Daniela
- Marcel, Yves L
- Marchbank, Katie
- Marchetti, Piero
- Marciniak, Stefan J
- Marcondes, Mateus
- Mardi, Mohsen
- Marfe, Gabriella
- Mariño, Guillermo
- Markaki, Maria
- Marten, Mark R
- Martin, Seamus J
- Martinand-Mari, Camille
- Martinet, Wim
- Martinez-Vicente, Marta
- Masini, Matilde
- Matarrese, Paola
- Matsuo, Saburo
- Matteoni, Raffaele
- Mayer, Andreas
- Mazure, Nathalie M
- Mcconkey, David J
- Mcconnell, Melanie J
- Mcdermott, Catherine
- Mcdonald, Christine
- Mcinerney, Gerald M
- Mckenna, Sharon L
- Mclaughlin, Bethann
- Mclean, Pamela J
- Mcmaster, Christopher R
- Mcquibban, G Angus
- Meijer, Alfred J
- Meisler, Miriam H
- Meléndez, Alicia
- Melia, Thomas J
- Melino, Gerry
- Mena, Maria A
- Menendez, Javier A
- Menna-Barreto, Rubem F S
- Menon, Manoj B
- Menzies, Fiona M
- Mercer, Carol A
- Merighi, Adalberto
- Merry, Diane E
- Meschini, Stefania
- Meyer, Christian G
- Meyer, Thomas F
- Miao, Chao-Yu
- Miao, Jun-Ying
- Michels, Paul a M
- Michiels, Carine
- Mijaljica, Dalibor
- Milojkovic, Ana
- Minucci, Saverio
- Miracco, Clelia
- Miranti, Cindy K
- Mitroulis, Ioannis
- Miyazawa, Keisuke
- Mizushima, Noboru
- Mograbi, Baharia
- Mohseni, Simin
- Molero, Xavier
- Mollereau, Bertrand
- Mollinedo, Faustino
- Momoi, Takashi
- Monastyrska, Iryna
- Monick, Martha M
- Monteiro, Mervyn J
- Moore, Michael N
- Mora, Rodrigo
- Moreau, Kevin
- Moreira, Paula I
- Moriyasu, Yuji
- Moscat, Jorge
- Mostowy, Serge
- Mottram, Jeremy C
- Motyl, Tomasz
- Moussa, Charbel E-H
- Müller, Sylke
- Muller, Sylviane
- Münger, Karl
- Münz, Christian
- Murphy, Leon O
- Murphy, Maureen E
- Musarò, Antonio
- Mysorekar, Indira
- Nagata, Eiichiro
- Nagata, Kazuhiro
- Nahimana, Aimable
- Nair, Usha
- Nakagawa, Toshiyuki
- Nakahira, Kiichi
- Nakano, Hiroyasu
- Nakatogawa, Hitoshi
- Nanjundan, Meera
- Naqvi, Naweed I
- Narendra, Derek P
- Narita, Masashi
- Navarro, Miguel
- Nawrocki, Steffan T
- Nazarko, Taras y
- Nemchenko, Andriy
- Netea, Mihai G
- Neufeld, Thomas P
- Ney, Paul A
- Nezis, Ioannis P
- Nguyen, Huu Phuc
- Nie, Daotai
- Nishino, Ichizo
- Nislow, Corey
- Nixon, Ralph A
- Noda, Takeshi
- Noegel, Angelika A
- Nogalska, Anna
- Noguchi, Satoru
- Notterpek, Lucia
- Novak, Ivana
- Nozaki, Tomoyoshi
- Nukina, Nobuyuki
- Nürnberger, Thorsten
- Nyfeler, Beat
- Obara, Keisuke
- Oberley, Terry D
- Oddo, Salvatore
- Ogawa, Michinaga
- Ohashi, Toya
- Okamoto, Koji
- Oleinick, Nancy L
- Oliver, F Javier
- Olsen, Laura J
- Olsson, Stefan
- Opota, Onya
- Osborne, Timothy F
- Ostrander, Gary K
- Otsu, Kinya
- Ou, Jing-Hsiung James
- Ouimet, Mireille
- Overholtzer, Michael
- Ozpolat, Bulent
- Paganetti, Paolo
- Pagnini, Ugo
- Pallet, Nicolas
- Palmer, Glen E
- Palumbo, Camilla
- Pan, Tianhong
- Panaretakis, Theocharis
- Pandey, Udai Bhan
- Papackova, Zuzana
- Papassideri, Issidora
- Paris, Irmgard
- Park, Junsoo
- Park, Ohkmae K
- Parys, Jan B
- Parzych, Katherine R
- Patschan, Susann
- Patterson, Cam
- Pattingre, Sophie
- Pawelek, John M
- Peng, Jianxin
- Perlmutter, David H
- Perrotta, Ida
- Perry, George
- Pervaiz, Shazib
- Peter, Matthias
- Peters, Godefridus J
- Petersen, Morten
- Petrovski, Goran
- Phang, James M
- Piacentini, Mauro
- Pierre, Philippe
- Pierrefite-Carle, Valérie
- Pierron, Gérard
- Pinkas-Kramarski, Ronit
- Piras, Antonio
- Piri, Natik
- Platanias, Leonidas C
- Pöggeler, Stefanie
- Poirot, Marc
- Poletti, Angelo
- Poüs, Christian
- Pozuelo-Rubio, Mercedes
- Prætorius-Ibba, Mette
- Prasad, Anil
- Prescott, Mark
- Priault, Muriel
- Produit-Zengaffinen, Nathalie
- Progulske-Fox, Ann
- Proikas-Cezanne, Tassula
- Przedborski, Serge
- Przyklenk, Karin
- Puertollano, Rosa
- Puyal, Julien
- Qian, Shu-Bing
- Qin, Liang
- Qin, Zheng-Hong
- Quaggin, Susan E
- Raben, Nina
- Rabinowich, Hannah
- Rabkin, Simon W
- Rahman, Irfan
- Rami, Abdelhaq
- Ramm, Georg
- Randall, Glenn
- Randow, Felix
- Rao, V Ashutosh
- Rathmell, Jeffrey C
- Ravikumar, Brinda
- Ray, Swapan K
- Reed, Bruce H
- Reed, John C
- Reggiori, Fulvio
- Régnier-Vigouroux, Anne
- Reichert, Andreas S
- Reiners, John J
- Reiter, Russel J
- Ren, Jun
- Revuelta, José L
- Rhodes, Christopher J
- Ritis, Konstantinos
- Rizzo, Elizete
- Robbins, Jeffrey
- Roberge, Michel
- Roca, Hernan
- Roccheri, Maria C
- Rocchi, Stephane
- Rodemann, H Peter
- RodrÃguez de Córdoba, Santiago
- Rohrer, Bärbel
- Roninson, Igor B
- Rosen, Kirill
- Rost-Roszkowska, Magdalena M
- Rouis, Mustapha
- Rouschop, Kasper M A
- Rovetta, Francesca
- Rubin, Brian P
- Rubinsztein, David C
- Ruckdeschel, Klaus
- Rucker, Edmund B
- Rudich, Assaf
- Rudolf, Emil
- Ruiz-Opazo, Nelson
- Russo, Rossella
- Rusten, Tor Erik
- Ryan, Kevin M
- Ryter, Stefan W
- Sabatini, David M
- Sadoshima, Junichi
- Saha, Tapas
- Saitoh, Tatsuya
- Sakagami, Hiroshi
- Sakai, Yasuyoshi
- Salekdeh, Ghasem Hoseini
- Salomoni, Paolo
- Salvaterra, Paul M
- Salvesen, Guy
- Salvioli, Rosa
- Sanchez, Anthony M J
- Sánchez-Alcázar, José A
- Sánchez-Prieto, Ricardo
- Sandri, Marco
- Sankar, Uma
- Sansanwal, Poonam
- Santambrogio, Laura
- Saran, Shweta
- Sarkar, Sovan
- Sarwal, Minnie
- Sasakawa, Chihiro
- Sasnauskiene, Ausra
- Sass, Miklós
- Sato, Ken
- Sato, Miyuki
- Schapira, Anthony H V
- Scharl, Michael
- Schätzl, Hermann M
- Scheper, Wiep
- Schiaffino, Stefano
- Schneider, Claudio
- Schneider, Marion E
- Schneider-Stock, Regine
- Schoenlein, Patricia V
- Schorderet, Daniel F
- Schüller, Christoph
- Schwartz, Gary K
- Scorrano, Luca
- Sealy, Linda
- Seglen, Per O
- Segura-Aguilar, Juan
- Seiliez, Iban
- Seleverstov, Oleksandr
- Sell, Christian
- Seo, Jong Bok
- Separovic, Duska
- Setaluri, Vijayasaradhi
- Setoguchi, Takao
- Settembre, Carmine
- Shacka, John J
- Shanmugam, Mala
- Shapiro, Irving M
- Shaulian, Eitan
- Shaw, Reuben J
- Shelhamer, James H
- Shen, Han-Ming
- Shen, Wei-Chiang
- Sheng, Zu-Hang
- Shi, Yang
- Shibuya, Kenichi
- Shidoji, Yoshihiro
- Shieh, Jeng-Jer
- Shih, Chwen-Ming
- Shimada, Yohta
- Shimizu, Shigeomi
- Shintani, Takahiro
- Shirihai, Orian S
- Shore, Gordon C
- Sibirny, Andriy A
- Sidhu, Stan B
- Sikorska, Beata
- Silva-Zacarin, Elaine C M
- Simmons, Alison
- Simon, Anna Katharina
- Simon, Hans-Uwe
- Simone, Cristiano
- Simonsen, Anne
- Sinclair, David A
- Singh, Rajat
- Sinha, Debasish
- Sinicrope, Frank A
- Sirko, Agnieszka
- Siu, Parco M
- Sivridis, Efthimios
- Skop, Vojtech
- Skulachev, Vladimir P
- Slack, Ruth S
- Smaili, Soraya S
- Smith, Duncan R
- Soengas, Maria S
- Soldati, Thierry
- Song, Xueqin
- Sood, Anil K
- Soong, Tuck Wah
- Sotgia, Federica
- Spector, Stephen A
- Spies, Claudia D
- Springer, Wolfdieter
- Srinivasula, Srinivasa M
- Stefanis, Leonidas
- Steffan, Joan S
- Stendel, Ruediger
- Stenmark, Harald
- Stephanou, Anastasis
- Stern, Stephan T
- Sternberg, Cinthya
- Stork, Björn
- Strålfors, Peter
- Subauste, Carlos S
- Sui, Xinbing
- Sulzer, David
- Sun, Jiaren
- Sun, Shi-Yong
- Sun, Zhi-Jun
- Sung, Joseph J y
- Suzuki, Kuninori
- Suzuki, Toshihiko
- Swanson, Michele S
- Swanton, Charles
- Sweeney, Sean T
- Sy, Lai-King
- Szabadkai, Gyorgy
- Tabas, Ira
- Taegtmeyer, Heinrich
- Tafani, Marco
- Takács-Vellai, Krisztina
- Takano, Yoshitaka
- Takegawa, Kaoru
- Takemura, Genzou
- Takeshita, Fumihiko
- Talbot, Nicholas J
- Tan, Kevin S W
- Tanaka, Keiji
- Tanaka, Kozo
- Tang, Daolin
- Tang, Dingzhong
- Tanida, Isei
- Tannous, Bakhos A
- Tavernarakis, Nektarios
- Taylor, Graham S
- Taylor, Gregory A
- Taylor, J Paul
- Terada, Lance S
- Terman, Alexei
- Tettamanti, Gianluca
- Thevissen, Karin
- Thompson, Craig B
- Thorburn, Andrew
- Thumm, Michael
- Tian, Fengfeng
- Tian, Yuan
- Tocchini-Valentini, Glauco
- Tolkovsky, Aviva M
- Tomino, Yasuhiko
- Tönges, Lars
- Tooze, Sharon A
- Tournier, Cathy
- Tower, John
- Towns, Roberto
- Trajkovic, Vladimir
- Travassos, Leonardo H
- Tsai, Ting-Fen
- Tschan, Mario P
- Tsubata, Takeshi
- Tsung, Allan
- Turk, Boris
- Turner, Lorianne S
- Tyagi, Suresh C
- Uchiyama, Yasuo
- Ueno, Takashi
- Umekawa, Midori
- Umemiya-Shirafuji, Rika
- Unni, Vivek K
- Vaccaro, Maria I
- Valente, Enza Maria
- van den Berghe, Greet
- van Der Klei, Ida J
- van Doorn, Wouter
- van Dyk, Linda F
- van Egmond, Marjolein
- van Grunsven, Leo A
- Vandenabeele, Peter
- Vandenberghe, Wim P
- Vanhorebeek, Ilse
- Vaquero, Eva C
- Velasco, Guillermo
- Vellai, Tibor
- Vicencio, Jose Miguel
- Vierstra, Richard D
- Vila, Miquel
- Vindis, Cécile
- Viola, Giampietro
- Viscomi, Maria Teresa
- Voitsekhovskaja, Olga V
- von Haefen, Clarissa
- Votruba, Marcela
- Wada, Keiji
- Wade-Martins, Richard
- Walker, Cheryl L
- Walsh, Craig M
- Walter, Jochen
- Wan, Xiang-Bo
- Wang, Aimin
- Wang, Chenguang
- Wang, Dawei
- Wang, Fan
- Wang, Fen
- Wang, Guanghui
- Wang, Haichao
- Wang, Hong-Gang
- Wang, Horng-Dar
- Wang, Jin
- Wang, Ke
- Wang, Mei
- Wang, Richard C
- Wang, Xinglong
- Wang, Xuejun
- Wang, Ying-Jan
- Wang, Yipeng
- Wang, Zhen
- Wang, Zhigang Charles
- Wang, Zhinong
- Wansink, Derick G
- Ward, Diane M
- Watada, Hirotaka
- Waters, Sarah L
- Webster, Paul
- Wei, Lixin
- Weihl, Conrad C
- Weiss, William A
- Welford, Scott M
- Wen, Long-Ping
- Whitehouse, Caroline A
- Whitton, J Lindsay
- Whitworth, Alexander J
- Wileman, Tom
- Wiley, John W
- Wilkinson, Simon
- Willbold, Dieter
- Williams, Roger L
- Williamson, Peter R
- Wouters, Bradly G
- Wu, Chenghan
- Wu, Dao-Cheng
- Wu, William K K
- Wyttenbach, Andreas
- Xavier, Ramnik J
- Xi, Zhijun
- Xia, Pu
- Xiao, Gengfu
- Xie, Zhiping
- Xie, Zhonglin
- Xu, Da-Zhi
- Xu, Jianzhen
- Xu, Liang
- Xu, Xiaolei
- Yamamoto, Ai
- Yamamoto, Akitsugu
- Yamashina, Shunhei
- Yamashita, Michiaki
- Yan, Xianghua
- Yanagida, Mitsuhiro
- Yang, Dun-Sheng
- Yang, Elizabeth
- Yang, Jin-Ming
- Yang, Shi Yu
- Yang, Wannian
- Yang, Wei Yuan
- Yang, Zhifen
- Yao, Meng-Chao
- Yao, Tso-Pang
- Yeganeh, Behzad
- Yen, Wei-Lien
- Yin, Jia-Jing
- Yin, Xiao-Ming
- Yoo, Ook-Joon
- Yoon, Gyesoon
- Yoon, Seung-Yong
- Yorimitsu, Tomohiro
- Yoshikawa, Yuko
- Yoshimori, Tamotsu
- Yoshimoto, Kohki
- You, Ho Jin
- Youle, Richard J
- Younes, Anas
- Yu, Li
- Yu, Long
- Yu, Seong-Woon
- Yu, Wai Haung
- Yuan, Zhi-Min
- Yue, Zhenyu
- Yun, Cheol-Heui
- Yuzaki, Michisuke
- Zabirnyk, Olga
- Silva-Zacarin, Elaine
- Zacks, David
- Zacksenhaus, Eldad
- Zaffaroni, Nadia
- Zakeri, Zahra
- Zeh, Herbert J
- Zeitlin, Scott O
- Zhang, Hong
- Zhang, Hui-Ling
- Zhang, Jianhua
- Zhang, Jing-Pu
- Zhang, Lin
- Zhang, Long
- Zhang, Ming-Yong
- Zhang, Xu Dong
- Zhao, Mantong
- Zhao, Yi-Fang
- Zhao, Ying
- Zhao, Zhizhuang J
- Zheng, Xiaoxiang
- Zhivotovsky, Boris
- Zhong, Qing
- Zhou, Cong-Zhao
- Zhu, Changlian
- Zhu, Wei-Guo
- Zhu, Xiao-Feng
- Zhu, Xiongwei
- Zhu, Yuangang
- Zoladek, Teresa
- Zong, Wei-Xing
- Zorzano, Antonio
- Zschocke, Jürgen
- Zuckerbraun, Brian
- Others:
- Molecular and Cellular Biology ; Catholic University of Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
- Laboratoire Epigenetique et Cancer ; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Department of Pharmacology ; Department of Pharmacology
- Immunobiologie des Cellules Dendritiques ; Institut Pasteur [Paris]-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
- Franche-Comté Électronique Mécanique, Thermique et Optique - Sciences et Technologies (UMR 6174) (FEMTO-ST) ; Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard (UTBM)-Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et des Microtechniques (ENSMM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Franche-Comté (UFC) ; Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté [COMUE] (UBFC)-Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté [COMUE] (UBFC)
- Telethon Institute for Genetics and Medicine ; Telethon Institute
- Medical Genetics ; University of Naples Federico II = Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II
- Department of Molecular and Human Genetics ; Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) ; Baylor University-Baylor University
- Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute ; Texas Children's Hospital [Houston, USA]
- Signalisation et physiopathologie des cellules épithéliales ; Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
- Dynamique des interactions membranaires normales et pathologiques (DIMNP) ; Université Montpellier 1 (UM1)-Université Montpellier 2 - Sciences et Techniques (UM2)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Institut de biochimie et génétique cellulaires (IBGC) ; Université Bordeaux Segalen - Bordeaux 2-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Institut de Recherche en Infectiologie de Montpellier (IRIM) ; Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Celullar and Molecular Medicine ; Celullar and Molecular Medicine
- Estrogènes, Expression génique et pathologies du Système Nerveux Central - UFC (E2SNC / ESTROGENES) ; Université de Franche-Comté (UFC) ; Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté [COMUE] (UBFC)-Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté [COMUE] (UBFC)
- Infection bactérienne, inflammation, et carcinogenèse digestive ; Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (1965 - 2019) (UNS) ; COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-IFR50-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)
- Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (1965 - 2019) (UNS) ; COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)
- Department of Computer Science [Tsukuba] ; Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering [Tsukuba] ; Université de Tsukuba = University of Tsukuba -Université de Tsukuba = University of Tsukuba
- Gunma University ; Institute for Molecular & Cellular Regulation
- Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology ; Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology
- Dulbecco Telethon Institute/Department of Biology ; Dulbecco Telethon Institute/Department of Biology
- Department of Chemistry and HKU-CAS Joint Laboratory ; The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique (LaBRI) ; Université de Bordeaux (UB)-École Nationale Supérieure d'Électronique, Informatique et Radiocommunications de Bordeaux (ENSEIRB)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Learning Sciences Lab ; Nanyang Technological University [Singapour]
- University of California ; University of California (UC)
- Chemistry, Oncogenesis, Stress and Signaling (COSS) ; Université de Rennes 1 (UR1) ; Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-CRLCC Eugène Marquis (CRLCC)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
- Emory University School of Medicine ; Emory University [Atlanta, GA]
- Cytokines et Immunologie des Tumeurs Humaines (U753) ; Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Institut Gustave Roussy (IGR)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
- Biology ; Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata [Roma]
- Oxford University ; University of Oxford [Oxford]
- Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences ; University of Strathclyde [Glasgow]
- Interactions Bactéries-Cellules (UIBC) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Institut Pasteur [Paris]-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
- Department of Experimental Medicine and Oncology ; Università degli studi di Torino = University of Turin (UNITO)
- Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle (IGF) ; Université Montpellier 1 (UM1)-Université Montpellier 2 - Sciences et Techniques (UM2)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- CNV ; University of Valparaiso
- Section of Haemato-oncology ; Institute of cancer research
- Institut des Maladies Neurodégénératives [Bordeaux] (IMN) ; Université de Bordeaux (UB)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Brunel University London [Uxbridge]
- The University of New Mexico [Albuquerque]
- Facultad de Ciencias QuÃmicas y Farmacéuticas ; Centro de Estudios Moleculares de la Célula
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Dpt. of Cancer & Cell Biology ; University of Cincinnati (UC)
- Institut Jacques Monod (IJM (UMR_7592)) ; Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 (UPD7)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Virologie humaine ; École normale supérieure - Lyon (ENS Lyon)-IFR128-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
- Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas [San MartÃn] (IIB-INTECH) ; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientÃficas y Técnicas [Buenos Aires] (CONICET)-Universidad Nacional de San Martin (UNSAM)
- Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule (I2BC) ; Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris-Saclay-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Virulence et Latence des Herpesvirus (HERPES) ; Département Virologie (Dpt Viro) ; Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule (I2BC) ; Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris-Saclay-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris-Saclay-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule (I2BC) ; Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris-Saclay-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris-Saclay-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology ; MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology
- University of Brescia
- Immunité infection vaccination (I2V) ; Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) ; Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-IFR128-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
- Dept of City and Regional Planning ; Peiking University
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital ; McGill University = Université McGill [Montréal, Canada]
- Department of Developmental Biology and Neurosciences ; Graduate School of Life Sciences-Tohoku University [Sendai]
- Faculty of Medicine ; University of Ottawa [Ottawa]
- Institut de recherche en cancérologie de Montpellier (IRCM - U896 Inserm - UM1) ; Université Montpellier 1 (UM1)-CRLCC Val d'Aurelle - Paul Lamarque-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université de Montpellier (UM)
- Immunologie et chimie thérapeutiques (ICT) ; Cancéropôle du Grand Est-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)
- Département Digestif ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice (CHU Nice)-Hôpital de l'Archet
- Centre méditerranéen de médecine moléculaire (C3M) ; Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (1965 - 2019) (UNS) ; COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)
- National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
- Department of Oncology ; John Radcliffe Hospital [Oxford University Hospital]
- School of Biochemistry and Immunology ; School of Biochemistry and Immunology
- Department of Cellular and Structural Biology, University of Texas Health Science Center ; The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth)
- Laboratoire de Pathologie Clinique et Expérimentale ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice (CHU Nice)
- Department of Biochemistry ; The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- Danish Cancer Society ; Institute of Cancer Biology
- Institut de biologie et chimie des protéines [Lyon] (IBCP) ; Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) ; Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endocrinology (MHH) ; Hannover Medical School [Hannover] (MHH)
- Cancer Research UK London Research Institute
- Cell Biology, section Radiation & Stress Cell Biology ; UMCG, Univ. of Groningen
- Department of Molecular Genetics ; Weizmann Institute of Science [Rehovot, Israël]
- Institute of Immunology ; University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein
- Institute for Immunology ; Institute for Immunology
- Department of Neuroscience ; University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center [Dallas]
- Centre de génétique et de physiologie moléculaire et cellulaire (CGPhiMC) ; Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) ; Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers (CRC (UMR_S 872)) ; Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)-Université Paris Descartes - Paris 5 (UPD5)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Apoptose, cancer et immunité (U848) ; Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Institut Gustave Roussy (IGR)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
- Plateforme de métabolomique ; Direction de la recherche [Gustave Roussy] ; Institut Gustave Roussy (IGR)-Institut Gustave Roussy (IGR)
- Pôle de biologie ; Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou [APHP] (HEGP) ; Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)-Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Ouest - Hôpitaux Universitaires Île de France Ouest (HUPO)-Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Ouest - Hôpitaux Universitaires Île de France Ouest (HUPO)
- Université Paris Descartes - Faculté de Médecine (UPD5 Médecine) ; Université Paris Descartes - Paris 5 (UPD5)
- Department of Molecular Neuroscience ; Department of Molecular Neuroscience
- European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
- Center for Visual Information Technology [Hyderabad] (CVIT) ; International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad [Hyderabad] (IIIT-H)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ; University of Washington [Seattle]
- Centre for Cancer Biology ; Hanson Institute, Adelaide
- Jeune Equipe JE 2526 ; Université d'Auvergne - Clermont-Ferrand I (UdA)
- Institut de Recherche Agronomique (Unité sous contrat USC-2018) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
- Facultad de Medicina
- Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier (IGMM) ; Université de Montpellier (UM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Signalisation et Réponses aux Agents Infectieux et Chimiques (SeRAIC) ; Université de Rennes 1 (UR1) ; Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)-Université de Rennes (UNIV-RENNES)
- Autophagie et Développement (OTOFAJ) ; Département Biologie Cellulaire (BioCell) ; Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule (I2BC) ; Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris-Saclay-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris-Saclay-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule (I2BC) ; Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris-Saclay-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Université Paris-Saclay-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)
- Microenvironnement et Physiopathologie de la Differenciation ; Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute [Chevy Chase] (HHMI) ; Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
- University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center [Dallas]
- School of Information science and engineering ; Lanzhou University
- School of computer and information ; University of Science and Technology of China [Hefei] (USTC)
- National Neuroscience Institute ; National Neuroscience Institute
- National University of Singapore (NUS)
- Institut de Mécanique des Fluides et des Solides (IMFS) ; École Nationale du Génie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement de Strasbourg (ENGEES)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Institut Armand Frappier (INRS-IAF) ; Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique [Québec] (INRS)-Réseau International des Instituts Pasteur (RIIP)
- Central China Normal University [Wuhan, China]
- Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR) ; Emory University [Atlanta, GA]-Medical College of Wisconsin
- Departamento de BioquÃmica y BiologÃa Molecular ; Universidad de Oviedo [Oviedo]-Instituto Universitario de OncologÃa
- Laboratoire d'Intégration des Systèmes et des Technologies (LIST (CEA)) ; Direction de Recherche Technologique (CEA) (DRT (CEA)) ; Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)-Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA)
- Equipe labellisée Ligue contre le Cancer
- Johns Hopkins University (JHU)
- Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Karl-Franzens University Graz, (IMB) ; Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
- Department of Pediatrics ; University of Naples Federico II = Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II
- Department of Experimental Pharmacology ; University of Naples Federico II = Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II
- Drug Research and Evaluation ; Istituto Superiore di Sanita'
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine [New York]
- Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology ; Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas
- Institut des Sciences de l'Evolution de Montpellier (UMR ISEM) ; Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (Cirad)-École pratique des hautes études (EPHE) ; Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université Paris sciences et lettres (PSL)-Université de Montpellier (UM)-Institut de recherche pour le développement [IRD] : UR226-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Institut de signalisation, biologie du développement et cancer (ISBDC) ; Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (1965 - 2019) (UNS) ; COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)
- Departments of Neurology ; Departments of Neurology
- Vanderbilt University [Nashville]
- Departments of Pharmacology ; Departments of Pharmacology
- Department of Cell Biology [New Haven] ; Yale School of Medicine [New Haven, Connecticut] (YSM)-Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)
- Anatomic Pathology Section, Department of Human Pathology and Oncology
- Harvard Medical School [Boston] (HMS)
- Depts of Radiation Oncology and Pathology ; Wayne State University [Detroit]-Karmanos Cancer Institute
- USC Neuromuscular Center, Department of Neurology ; University of Southern California (USC)
- Department of Biology [Copenhagen] ; Faculty of Science [Copenhagen] ; University of Copenhagen = Københavns Universitet (UCPH)-University of Copenhagen = Københavns Universitet (UCPH)
- Department of Cell Biology and Biophysics
- Department of Pathology ; Case Western Reserve University [Cleveland]
- The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)
- Institute of Translational Medicine ; Institute of Translational Medicine
- Institute of Biochemistry (IBC) ; Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology [Zürich] (ETH Zürich)
- Department of Biology ; Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata [Roma]
- Génétique, physiopathologie et ingénierie du tissu osseux (GéPITOS) ; Université Nice Sophia Antipolis (1965 - 2019) (UNS) ; COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-COMUE Université Côte d'Azur (2015-2019) (COMUE UCA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Côte d'Azur (UCA)
- Innovation Thérapeutique : du Fondamental au Médicament ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-MEDICEN-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Hôpital Antoine Béclère ; Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) (AP-HP)
- Señalización Celular 4 ; Señalización Celular 4
- Department of Molecular Biology ; Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen = Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen
- Department of Neurology Columbia University 650 West 168th Street ; Department of Neurology Columbia University 650 West 168th Street
- Department of Pathology and Cell Biology Columbia University 650 West 168th Street ; Department of Pathology and Cell Biology Columbia University 650 West 168th Street
- Center for Motor Neuron Biology and Disease Columbia University 650 West 168th Street ; Center for Motor Neuron Biology and Disease Columbia University 650 West 168th Street
- Department of Cell Biology and Morphology ; Université de Lausanne = University of Lausanne (UNIL)
- CC 101 ; Université Montpellier 2 - Sciences et Techniques (UM2)
- University Medical Center [Utrecht]
- Service de dermatologie ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice (CHU Nice)
- Vieillissement, stress, inflammation ; Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6 (UPMC)
- University of Cambridge [UK] (CAM)
- The Department of Chemical and Environmental Sciences ; University of Limerick (UL)
- Dynamique Musculaire et Métabolisme (DMEM) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université de Montpellier (UM)
- Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori ; Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
- Neurogenetics laboratory ; Neurogenetics laboratory
- Department of Pathology ; Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg = Otto-von-Guericke University [Magdeburg] (OVGU)
- Experimental Tumor Pathology ; Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
- Unit of Oculogenomics ; Institute for Research in Ophthalmology"
- Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ; Université de Lausanne = University of Lausanne (UNIL)
- Eye Hospital, Department of Ophthalmology, Jules-Gonin , ; Eye Hospital"
- Division of regenerative Medicine ; San Raffaele Scientific Institute
- ICBM ; Universidad de Chile = University of Chile [Santiago] (UCHILE)
- Department of pathology ; Harvard Medical School [Boston] (HMS)
- Department of Endocrine and Oncology Surgery ; Royal North Shore Hospital (RNSH)
- Department of Surgery, Bankstown Hospital and South Western Sydney Clinical School ; University of New South Wales [Sydney] (UNSW)
- MRC Human Immunology Unit ; The Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine ; University of Oxford [Oxford]-University of Oxford [Oxford]
- Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences ; University of Bern
- Université de Genève = University of Geneva (UNIGE)
- Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center ; Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University)
- Muscular and Neurodegenerative Disease Unit ; Università degli studi di Genova = University of Genoa (UniGe)
- Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine ; Division of Cell Biology; and Linköping Diabetes Research Centre
- Cancer Institute ; University College of London [London] (UCL)
- Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics ; University of California [San Francisco] (UC San Francisco) ; University of California (UC)-University of California (UC)
- Department of Experimental and Diagnostic Medicine and Interdisciplinary Center for Study of inflammation and ER-GenTech ; Università degli Studi di Ferrara = University of Ferrara (UniFE)
- Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Parasitology - Department of Microbiology ; National University of Singapore (NUS)
- Center of Microbial and Plant Genetics (CMPG) ; Catholic University of Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
- Abramson Cancer Institute and Department of Cancer Biology ; University of Pennsylvania [Philadelphia]
- Instituto de Microbiologia Paulo de Góes [Rio de Janeiro] (IMPG) ; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
- Immunité Innée et Signalisation ; Institut Pasteur [Paris]
- Istituto CSS Mendel ; Istituto CSS Mendel
- Department of Medical and Surgical Pediatrics ; University Hospital, Messina
- Department of Intensive care Medicine ; Catholic University of Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven)
- Department of Cell Biology ; Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
- Department for Molecular Biomedical Research ; Department for Molecular Biomedical Research
- Department of Pediatrics ; Università degli Studi di Padova = University of Padua (Unipd)
- Department of Chemistry ; Peking University [Beijing]
- Department of Mathematics ; Shanghai University
- Sch Mat Sci & Engn ; Shandong University
- Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire [Villeneuve d'Ascq] (IRI) ; Université de Lille, Sciences et Technologies-Université de Lille, Droit et Santé-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Institut d'Électronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie - UMR 8520 (IEMN) ; Centrale Lille-Institut supérieur de l'électronique et du numérique (ISEN)-Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis (UVHC)-Université de Lille-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (UPHF)
- Nankai University ; Nankai University (NKU)
- Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes ; University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC)
- Department of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology ; Duke University [Durham]
- Modélisation, Information et Systèmes - UR UPJV 4290 (MIS) ; Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV)
- Department of Experimental Oncology and Molecular Medicine ; Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
- Institute of Modern Physics ; Chinese Academy of Sciences [Changchun Branch] (CAS)
- Key Laboratory of Heavy Ion Radiation Medicine of Gansu Province ; ganzu Province
- Institute of Computing Technology [Beijing] (ICT) ; Chinese Academy of Sciences [Changchun Branch] (CAS)
- European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
- Plant Physiology Laboratory ; Chinese Academy of Sciences [Beijing] (CAS)-Botanical Institute of South china
- Division of Biopharmaceutics ; Universiteit Leiden [Leiden]
- The Institute of Environmental Medicine [Stockholm] (IMM) ; Karolinska Institutet [Stockholm]
- Institut de biochimie et biophysique moléculaire et cellulaire (IBBMC) ; Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Center for Brain Repair and Rehabilitation ; Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology [Göteborg]-University of Gothenburg (GU)
- department of genetics - Institute of biochemistry and biophysics ; institute of biochemistry an biophysics-polish academic of sciences
- Departament de BioquÃmica i Biologia Molecular ; Universitat de Barcelona (UB)-Facultat de Biologia-Institute for Research in Biomedicine-CIBERDEM
- Chaperones Research Group ; Chaperones Research Group
- This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Public Health Service grant GM53396 to D.J.K. Due to space and other limitations, it is not possible to include all other sources of financial support.
In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Accordingly, it is important to update these guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Various reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose. Nevertheless, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. A key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers or volume of autophagic elements (e.g., autophagosomes or autolysosomes) at any stage of the autophagic process vs. those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway (i.e., the complete process); thus, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation needs to be differentiated from stimuli that result in increased autophagic activity, defined as increased autophagy induction coupled with increased delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes and some protists such as Dictyostelium) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). In other words, it is especially important that investigators new to the field understand that the appearance of more autophagosomes does not necessarily equate with more autophagy. In fact, in many cases, autophagosomes accumulate because of a block in trafficking to lysosomes without a concomitant change in autophagosome biogenesis, whereas an increase in autolysosomes may reflect a reduction in degradative activity. Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of methods for use by investigators who aim to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as for reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used. In addition, we emphasize that no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one in every situation, and we strongly recommend the use of multiple assays to monitor autophagy. In these guidelines, we consider these various methods of assessing autophagy and what information can, or cannot, be obtained from them. Finally, by discussing the merits and limits of particular autophagy assays, we hope to encourage technical innovation in the field.
Comment in :The role of the Eph/ephrin-system in atherosclerotic plaque development: a complex puzzle. [Cardiovasc Pathol. 2014]
International audience
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- urn:oai:HAL:hal-00735751v1
- Origin repository