Published September 13, 2022 | Version v1

Scientific Advances in STEM: Synergies to Achieve Success


The Escuela Polit´ecnica Superior (EPS) from Universidad de Sevilla (US) is a higher education engineering center that aims to provide specific training and research in each area of knowledge from Science, Techology, Engineering and Maths (STEM), as well as the generation and transfer of knowledge. To be at the forefront of innovation, research plays a key role, and, at this center, there are researchers working in all STEM areas, not only Maths and Physics but also Electrical, Electronic, Materials, and Chemistry Engineering. Among the different research activities promoted by the center, the EPS-US annually organizes a workshop on Research, Development and Innovation, which reached its 8th edition in 2021. Advances in research in several fields of Science and Engineering are presented at this event, involving the participation of students of all levels (from BSc to PhD), as well as academic and research staff not only from this center, but also participants from different universities located in seven countries. The multidisciplinary nature of this center has led to the establishment of collaborations among research groups from different disciplines, the combination of scientific knowledge from basic with applied research, and the use of different research facilities. Fundamental science helps us to understand phenomenological foundations, while applied science focuses on products and technological developments, highlighting the need to transfer knowledge to society and the industrial sector. This is also an opportunity for transfering knowledge, since industrial PhD students also participate and companies can present their demands and establish collaborations with research groups. This book collects articles published on the special topic Scientific Advances in STEM: Synergies to Achieve Success, 2nd Edition, including publications from the journals Materials, Polymers, Foods, Sustainability and Sensors, all published by MDPI. These papers cover selected cutting-edge research hosted at the EPS-US and presented at the 8th Symposium on Research, Development and Innovation of the academic center, which also covers the collaboration with national and international institutions. In fact, some of these works are framed within strategic research areas developed during recent years, presenting their progress in each edition of this workshop, as it was corroborated by their publication of the results in the first edition of this topic [1]. The editors wish to disseminate the multidisciplinary research carried out under the institutions of the EPS-US, contributing to establishing new collaborations among research groups.

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March 24, 2023
November 22, 2023