La liposuzione quale fonte di cellule staminali
LIPECTO MY AS A SOURCE OF STEM CELLS Over the last few years, interest in adipose tissue as the ideal source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) has considerably grown. MSCs represent the future of regenerative medicine, both for their multipotent capabilities and for their ability to excretion of pro-regenerative cytokines. Mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue (ASC) have become important in regenerative medicine due their abundance in adipose tissue and ease of liposuction extraction. To obtain adipose tissue, several harvesting techniques exist. Liposuction is a safe and reliable aesthetic surgical technique to obtaining ASC in large quantities, but few studies have highlighted the effects of different liposuction techniques on ASC regeneration capacity and their ASC functionality. Several studies have been considered that have assessed whether the various liposuction approaches could have influenced the vitality of ASCs. We also reported our ASC withdrawal and isolation techniques, which allowed us to isolate a quantity of 9.06 ×105 ASC from 100 mL of adipose tissue, with ASC yield of 25.9% of the pellet. The use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in clinical research and applications has continued in recent decades. By comparing the various liposuction techniques in literature, we concluded that standard aspiration-assisted liposuction remains the most effective and least traumatic ASC extraction method.
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