Published June 16, 2016 | Version v1
Conference paper

Early pastoralism and natural resource management: recent research at Godedzor


The settlement of Godedzor is located at 1,800 m asl in the region of Syunik (south-easternArmenia). Previous studies have highlighted the strategic position of the site in connection toboth east to west and north to south routes of communication and in relation to the proximityto the main obsidian outcrops of the region. Excavations at Godedzor started in 2005 andrevealed three main levels of occupation consisting of wooden and stone architecture. Asubstantial set of radiocarbon datings proves that the occupation at Godedzor can be dated tothe mid 4th millennium and highlights that the site is one of the latest Chalcolithic occupationsdiscovered so far in the southern Caucasus. In this paper, the most recent research on thearchitectural, ceramic, archeozoological and archeobotanical evidence from Godedzoris analysed and combined so as to build a comprehensive picture on the strategies of thepastoral groups that occupied Godedzor, on their origins and finally on the role that thesegroups played in the circulation of the obsidian in north-western Iran and in the introductionof farming practices in the highlands of southern Armenia.


International audience

Additional details

December 3, 2022
November 27, 2023