Published May 15, 2014 | Version v1
Journal article

Anticancer Activities of Essential Oils Constituents and Synergy with Conventional Therapies: A Review


Many studies have shown that a large number of terpenoids and aromatic compounds contained in essential oilshave significant anticancer activities, both on cell lines and on tumors in animals. The activity of these constituentsis related to the activation of cell death (apoptosis) induced by the caspases proteins in cancer cells, with minormodifications of healthy cells. Many phenomena seem to occur, among which are as follows: overexpressionand regulation of liver detoxification enzymes, changes in the membrane potential of cancer cells and mitochondria,production of free radicals in cancer cells, inhibition of angiogenesis, and modification of tumor-inducinggenes. These active essential oil constituents appear to act synergistically with conventional chemotherapy andradiotherapy, and some clinical studies in humans are beginning to be realized. In this review, we discuss aboutthe antitumoral activity of 13 essential oil components selected among the most studied in the literature, with afocus on their possible mode of action. We also report current data on the anticancer properties of several totalessential oils.


International audience

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March 26, 2023
November 28, 2023