Published June 18, 2018 | Version v1
Conference paper

Specialty optical fibres at INPHYNI, Nice


Specialty optical fibres experience is a very strong growth in the variety of their application fields, both as passive or active components in optical devices. These components offer ever more original functions, and ever better technical and/or performances efficiency. It is also frequently necessary to integrate several of these functions in a single optical fibre. Currently, several paradigms of fibre optic systems are revisited in order to meet future needs. One can cite non exhaustively several exemplary sectors: high power fibre lasers, intense beam transport, new laser sources at extended spectral coverage (UV to NIR), fibre devices under ionising radiations and extreme environments (temperature, pressure, radiation, high optical intensity), high flow rate telecommunications using spatial mode multiplexing, and intrinsic fibre sensors.The Fibre Optics and Applications (FOA) team at INPHYNI manufactures and studies specialty optical fibres for devices with applications in telecommunications, metrology, original laser sources for industry, biomedical or environmental monitoring. To optimize the performance of these components and subsystems, we study the properties of the fibre materials and their modifications resulting from nano-structuring or doping operations, in particular rare-earth ions. The properties of the dopants in these materials depend on their environment and can be modified by the radiation to which they are subjected. These modifications are also studied in aging experiments (degradation under irradiation), sensitivity to power (optical damage, photo-induced attenuation). The team relies on the fibre optics manufacturing platform and its optical and spectroscopic characterization equipment.In this talk we will review our recent achievements and projects that may induce newcollaborations.


International audience

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December 3, 2022
November 29, 2023