Influence of turbidity grade on color and appearance of virgin olive oil
The appearance of most of the commercialized olive oils involves both their color and turbidity depending on the different technologies used for their elaboration. This research has been carried out to study the filtration impact on the colorimetric changes of virgin olive oils. Naturally turbid olive oils were blended at different proportions (100, 80, 60, 40, 20 and 0%) with their corresponding filtered replicates to obtain a scale of six levels of turbidity and simulating different turbidity grades. Tristimulus colorimetry, particularly the CIELAB uniform color, was used to follow color changes. As turbidity of the oil increased in the blend, yellowish oils, darker, and less saturated were obtained. Univariate correlations between the colorimetric parameters and turbid content were achieved with second degree polynomial equations, being chroma (C*ab) and hue (h ab) the best correlated parameters. The color differences (δE*ab) calculated between turbid oils (100%) and the consecutively decreasing turbid oils blends ranged from 3.18 to 18.72 CIELAB units, revealing differences in color visually perceptible to the human eye.
Junta de Andalucía IAC07-I-1664
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