Published August 10, 2018 | Version v1

On finding widest empty curved corridors


An α-siphon of width w is the locus of points in the plane that are at the same distance w from a 1-corner polygonal chain C such that α is the interior angle of C. Given a set P of n points in the plane and a fixed angle α, we want to compute the widest empty α-siphon that splits P into two non-empty sets.We present an efficient O(n log3 n)-time algorithm for computing the widest oriented α-siphon through P such that the orientation of a half-line of C is known.We also propose an O(n3 log2 n)-time algorithm for the widest arbitrarily-oriented version and an (nlog n)-time algorithm for the widest arbitrarily-oriented α-siphon anchored at a given point.


Open archive-Elsevier

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March 27, 2023
November 27, 2023