Published 2001
| Version v1
Journal article
Analyse de la Communication de la Commission européenne de février 2000 au regard des débats actuels sur le principe de précaution
On 2 February 2000, the Commission of the European communities published a communication on the precautionary principle. In that communication, the Commission raises several important points: I) the precautionary principle is a policy approach of general application, II) the precautioanry principle is used for risk management decision, science-based but involving a societal debate to decide on the acceptable level of risk imposed on the society, III) there is a need for a structured decision making process transparent which involves as early as possible the views of all interested parties. The aim of the paper is a general discussion on the different aspects, in the light of US criticisms.
International audience
Additional details
- urn:oai:HAL:halshs-00423892v1
- Origin repository