Published February 16, 2024 | Version v1

Gender and sex in starting up: a social stereotype approach


This article analyses the influence of gender stereotypes in entrepreneur-ship by jointly studying the effect of gender-role orientation (GRO) and sex (women vs. men) on the entrepreneurial intentions (EI) and actions of individuals. Entrepreneurship is associated with the typical male stereo-type in most societies, leading to a lower rate of women entrepreneurs. Our model builds on social role theory (SRT) to identify how descriptive and prescriptive gender stereotypes exert this influence. It integrates SRT and the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) to analyse the differential effect of sex and GRO on entrepreneurial motivations, intentions, and new venture creation behaviours. We test our model on a sample of highly educated adults in Spain using a longitudinal research design. Our results indicate that descriptive gender stereotypes influence individuals' entre-preneurial motivations and intentions depending on their GRO. Androgynous people (women and men alike) exhibit the most favourable perceptions regarding entrepreneurship, and, through them, a higher EI (compared to masculine, feminine, and undifferentiated GRO individuals). In turn, prescriptive gender stereotypes affect individuals' actual venture creation depending on their biological sex. Men are significantly more likely to act on their EIs and launch their venture than are women.


Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación ECO2016-75655-P


Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2019-110166GB-I00

Additional details

February 18, 2024
February 18, 2024