Published June 3, 2010 | Version v1
Conference paper

Echelles et auto-organisation du système de transport collectif Brazzavillois


When you arrive for the first time in Brazzaville, you are struck by the huge number of motorized vehicles related to public transport. Buses, minibuses, collectives cabs… all these vehicles seem to evolve in the most absolute anarchy without the slightest indication for the user. But, behind this visible disorder is hided a very well organized logic structured in a completely self-organized way. After the following voluntary liquidation of the "Society of urban transport of Brazzaville" in 1989 the private sector is now dominating the market related to transport of peoples. After an immersion within the environment of Brazzaville carriers, various strategies of movement have been revealed. Mobility patterns linked to collective transports are made according to three methods, each one aiming a different target in term of consumer market. These various transportation means can evolve in sectors where they have exclusivity but it is not always the case. To be able to study individual strategies as well as collective ones, we had to vary the study's scales. So, we have created several functioning models, which were defined by playing with the size of the study's sector.


International audience

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December 4, 2022
December 1, 2023