Published June 2, 2021 | Version v1

Evaluating the environmental adaptability of a nearly zero energy retrofitting strategy designed for Dutch housing stock to a Mediterranean climate


Users' behaviour and indoor climate are two leading aspects that must be taken into account if we want the retrofitting of the housing stock to contribute to CO2 reduction, comfort improvement and reduction of living costs. The integrated facade module evaluated in this paper, which constitutes an approach to zero energy renovation, includes a preliminary study for the identification of target occupants and their characteristics and requirements that will guide the design decisions. The proposed strategy primarily focuses on the case of social rental multi-family housing stock in the Netherlands, but should provide insights in the application of the concept in Europe. This paper presents the analysis of the adaptability of this solution to the Mediterranean climate, taking into account the specific characteristics of the occupants of this climatic zone. The results showed an improved performance of building after the application of the evaluated solution in southern Spain, but with lower savings on the energy demand than in the Netherlands, so the economic investment should be reduced in this case. Also, the inclusion in the solution of some variables, such as the forced night-time ventilation for passive cooling and the insulation thickness reduction, were tested and proved to be an optimisation of its performance in the Mediterranean climate. Overall, the study concluded that the proposed refurbishment strategy has the potential to be implemented in different climates, particularly if certain modification in the facade operation is considered.


\'REFAVIV: Rehabilitacion energetica de las fachadas de viviendas sociales deterioradas aplicando productos innovadores nacionales (DIT) y europeos (DITE)\' BIA2012-39020-C02-01


Andalusian Regional Government 2013-0000006939

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December 4, 2022
November 29, 2023