Published January 26, 2016 | Version v1

Magnetocaloric response of FeCrB amorphous alloys: Predicting the magnetic entropy change from the Arrott–Noakes equation of state.


The magnetic entropy change in Fe92−xCr8Bx x=12,15 amorphous alloys has been studied. Increasing the B content, both the peak entropy change and the Curie temperature of the alloy increase. This is in agreement with an increase in the average magnetic moment per iron atom. The thermal and field dependences of the magnetic entropy change curves have been analyzed with the use of the Arrott–Noakes equation of state. It is shown that determining the parameters in this equation of state through fitting the magnetization data allows prediction of the field and temperature dependences of the magnetic entropy change curves in a broad temperature range around the Curie temperature.

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March 27, 2023
November 28, 2023