Published March 22, 2006 | Version v1
Conference paper

SmartModels : la généricité paramétrée au service des modèles métiers


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It is essential to be able to make evolutions on the structure of software entities, to quickly develop new functionalities and to take into account new constraints of the execution context. The approach we propose to reach this goal is integrated in the context of model engineering. We propose a metamodel to describe business models and a mechanism to compose them. One of the originalities of our metamodel is that the designer of the business model can use descriptions of generic entities with a genericity degree which is defined during the model design. We focus our presentation on this aspect and use an example of a product line of cameras. The validation of our approach is made by an extension of EMF in Eclipse.


également rapport de recherche I3S/RR-2006-03--FR


National audience

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December 1, 2023