Published 2011 | Version v1

Nanoengineered polymeric S-layers based capsules with targeting activity.


Nanostructured polymeric capsules are regarded as highly promising systems with different potential applications ranging from drug delivery, biosensing and artificial cells. To fully exploit this potential, it is required to produce bio-activated stable and biocompatible capsules. To this purpose, in present work we proposed the combination of the layer-by-layer self assembly method with bacterial S-layer technology to fabricate stable and biocompatible polymeric capsules having a well defined arrangement of functional groups allowing the covalent attachment of antibody molecules. Hollow microcapsules were obtained by the layer-by-layer self assembly of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes onto colloidal particles, followed by removal of the cores at acidic pH. S-layers were crystallized onto the shell of the obtained capsules. Quartz crystal microbalance was used to characterize the crystallization process onto planar surfaces. S-layer containing capsules were investigated by atomic force microscopy. Immunoenzymatic tests were performed to assess the effective modification of the S-layer with antibody molecules both on planar surfaces and on hollow capsules. Fluorescent microscopy was employed to visualize the presence of the antibody molecules onto the capsule shell and immunological tests used to assess the bioactivity of the immobilized antibodies. Finally, the in vitro cytotoxicity of fabricated S-layer containing capsules was studied. The obtained results demonstrated the possibility to fabricate bio-activated S-layer containing capsules with improved features in terms of biocompatibility.

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April 14, 2023
November 30, 2023