Published July 22, 2001 | Version v1
Conference paper

Residual resultant over the projective plane and the implicitization problem


In this article, we first generalize the recent notion of residual resultant of a complete intersection to the case of a local complete intersection of codimension 2 in the projective plane, which is the necessary and sufficient condition for a system of three polynomials to have a solution ``outside'' a variety, defined here by a local complete intersection of codimension 2. We give its degree in the coefficients of each polynomial and compute it as the gcd of three polynomials or as a product of two determinants divided by another one. In a second part we use this new type of resultant to give a new method to compute the implicit equation of a rational surface with base points in the case where these base points are a local complete intersection of codimension 2.


Please, see the errata.pdf attached file.


International audience

Additional details

October 11, 2023
December 1, 2023