Published July 20, 2022 | Version v1

A Deterministic Model to Infer Gene Networks from Microarray Data


Microarray experiments help researches to construct the str ucture of gene regulatory networks, i.e., networks representing relation ships among different genes. Filter and knowledge extraction processes are necessary in order to handle the huge amount of data produced by microarray technologies. We propose regression trees techniques as a method to identify gene networks. Regression trees are a very use ful technique to estimate the numerical values for the target outputs. They are very often more precise than linear regression models because they can adjust different linear regressions to separate areas of the search space. In our approach, we generate a single regression tree for each genes from a set of genes, taking as input the remaining genes, to finally build a graph from all the relationships among output and input genes. In this paper, we will simplify the approach by setting an only seed, the gene ARN1, and building the graph around it. The final model might gives some clues to understand the dynamics, the regulation or the topology of the gene network from one (or several) seeds, since it gathers rele vant genes with accurate connections. The performance of our approach is experimentally tested on the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae dataset (Rosetta compendium).

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March 25, 2023
November 29, 2023