Desde su origen la iglesia ha sido concebida como lugar de asamblea o de reunión, al mismo tiempo que lugar de desarrollo de la música occidental, tanto coral como instrumental; sin embargo, la consideración de sus condiciones acústicas, en ocasiones, ha quedado relegada a un segundo plano frente a otro tipo de criterios. En este contexto se...
January 13, 2017 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: December 5, 2022
November 10, 2023 (v1)Publication
The choir is a space that greatly influences the design and architectural configuration of a cathedral. Cultural influence, the reform of the liturgy and agreements reached during ecclesiastical councils in the last centuries have promoted a relocation of this space. Since its origins, it has been a privileged and reserved enclosure, providing...
Uploaded on: November 25, 2023 -
December 12, 2023 (v1)Publication
Amongst all types of transportation means, the Metro generates high levels of vibration, which are transmitted to the structural elements of nearby buildings. The related energy reaches the foundations and the ground floor of buildings in the form of waves that excite floors and walls. By vibrating all the partitions of a room, a corresponding...
Uploaded on: December 14, 2023 -
December 12, 2023 (v1)Publication
Virtual acoustics provides a highly useful tool for the investigation into the influence that spatial transformations may exert on indoor acoustics of cathedrals, which are remarkable spaces due to their heritage value, complexity and multifunctional character. The spatial organization of cathedrals is primarily governed by the location of the...
Uploaded on: December 14, 2023 -
December 12, 2023 (v1)Publication
Considering the impact noise as a major social issue in many countries, extensive work have been developed aimed at reducing the noise level in dwellings. Laboratory tests were carried out to investigate the acoustic performance of same constructive proposals, arranged to reduce the impact sound transmission. According to this study, acoustic...
Uploaded on: December 14, 2023 -
November 29, 2023 (v1)Publication
Depending on the type of configuration to be adopted there are multiple forms of occupation of a cathedral which can significantly influence the acoustic environment. As a result, several activities with different acoustic requirements, including preaching and the musical performance of a song or piece can coexist during the same ceremony....
Uploaded on: December 3, 2023 -
November 29, 2023 (v1)Publication
Current simulation tools and virtual-reality technologies enable the reconstruction of the historical sound inside heritage buildings, and have become powerful tools in Archaeoacoustics. The sound generated within the current state of a heritage building can be used to characterize the sound of the past inside that building by using virtual...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2023 -
August 21, 2019 (v1)Publication
One of the most significant enclosures in worship spaces is that of the choir. Generally, from a historical point of view, the choir is a semi-enclosed and privileged area reserved for the clergy, whose position and configuration gives it a private character. Regarding the generation and transformation of ecclesial interior spaces, the choir...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
November 2, 2017 (v1)Publication
La Catedral de Sevilla es el más valioso representante del patrimonio cultural en la ciudad, modelo del tipo catedralicio español que fue exportado a Iberoamérica. A diario, con motivo de la actividad litúrgica desarrollada en su interior, el te ocasionalmente compatibiliza esta actividad principal con la celebración de grandes...
Uploaded on: March 27, 2023 -
November 3, 2022 (v1)Publication
Climate change is a growing global concern and building stock, in particular, is responsible for the emission of greenhouse gases, largely due to its poor energy efficiency. This problem is especially serious in educational buildings, where it is necessary to encourage energy efficient retrofitting under the parameters of nearly Zero Energy...
Uploaded on: March 24, 2023 -
December 12, 2023 (v1)Publication
Exposure to noise is proven to have important repercussions on human comfort and health conditions. In recent decades, efforts to increase awareness among users have focused on highlighting the benefits of an appropriate acoustic indoor environment. In addition, given the significant increase in complaints about noise, the control, reduction,...
Uploaded on: December 14, 2023 -
April 22, 2021 (v1)Publication
Research studies have shown the potential effects of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) on pupils' health and academic performance. The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted renewed interest in the assessment of deficient indoor air quality (IAQ) conditions in schools and has become a priority over achieving adequate comfort conditions. Scientific...
Uploaded on: March 24, 2023 -
November 30, 2021 (v1)Publication
Beyond thermal comfort, the future outlook of climate change poses a challenge for the health of the most vulnerable inhabitants of the existing residential stock. In southern Spain specifically there is extensive social housing stock that is obsolete from an energy perspective and occupied by an aging population with economic constraints for...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
November 2, 2017 (v1)Publication
Los recintos eclesiales se ornamentan para las grandes festividades principalmente mediante la incorporación de materiales textiles, soluciones efímeras que pueden modificar el comportamiento acústico de estos espacios. El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar acústicamente algunas de estas decoraciones textiles, mediante la medición in...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
July 9, 2020 (v1)Publication
The cathedral of Seville is one of the most emblematic heritage buildings of the city, world heritage and the largest gothic cathedral in the world. It is divided into 5 naves; the central nave contains the choir and the main chapel, and in the outer naves, chapels open along its entire contour. In this work, a 3D model of this liturgical ...
Uploaded on: December 2, 2022 -
October 24, 2023 (v1)Publication
Climate change will have a great impact on the hottest climates of southern Europe and the existing residential stock will be extremely vulnerable to these future climatic conditions. Therefore, there is an urgent need to update this building stock considering imminent global warming by applying climatic files that predict future conditions in...
Uploaded on: November 25, 2023 -
December 12, 2023 (v1)Publication
Given the role of the building sector as one of the current main causes of pollution in cities, the promotion of research on energy efficiency and sustainable strategies is key. At the Solar Decathlon international competition, different university teams design optimized energy-efficient and prefabricated houses, integrating passive and active...
Uploaded on: December 14, 2023 -
November 29, 2021 (v1)Publication
Achieving an adequate indoor acoustic comfort environment is one of the main priorities to avoid adverse effects caused by noise. Façades are the constructive elements most likely to be retrofitted due to their delimiting function between indoor and outdoor space. This study compares the acoustic façade requirements established for new and...
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023 -
April 18, 2023 (v1)Publication
Given that the existing residential buildings are expected to become a huge part of the future stock due to their low replacement rate, retrofitting plans are crucial to meet 2030 and 2050 energy efficiency targets. Notwithstanding, an extensive assessment of the current energy and thermal performance of the stock must be conducted prior to the...
Uploaded on: April 19, 2023