Comprendre l'informatique et pas juste consommer les produits numériques : certes. Mais, s'il vous plaît … pas juste apprendre à programmer ! Rien ne sert de coder, il faut comprendre à point. Les robotinations en sont un témoignage. Voici ce que Sabrina et Jessica Barnabé, et Thierry Viéville, dans le cadre de Terra Numerica, vont nous...
October 14, 2022 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: December 4, 2022
December 4, 2020 (v1)Report
We report on a new setup allowing us to collect learning analytics (LA) during computational thinking unplugged or tangible playful activities. We target the development of computational thinking (CT) competency, including the initiation to informatics (i.e., computer science and technology), with the goal to evaluate and analyze the...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
June 4, 2019 (v1)Conference paper
In France, we recently realized that it is urgent to stop waiting to start teaching our girls and boys bases of computer science, to master digital technology, and the Digital Science and Technology (SNT) topic is now offered in Year 11 (classe de 2nd), starting at the 2019 school year. All highschool students are concerned. But how to train...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
November 9, 2020 (v1)Report
Computer science education is a major issue in the training of the adults of tomorrow who will have to enroll in a society where technology is increasingly present. However, for compulsory education in many European countries it has only recently been introduced or is only at the draft stage. The European Commission, aware of the major...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
November 2, 2020 (v1)Report
Computer science education is a major issue in the training of the adults of tomorrow who will have to enroll in a society where technology is increasingly present. However, for compulsory education in many European countries it has only recently been introduced or is only at the draft stage. The European Commission, aware of the major...
Uploaded on: December 7, 2023