This paper describes an algorithm designed for the automatic coarsening of three-dimensional unstructured simplicial meshes. This algorithm can handle very anisotropic meshes like the ones typically used to capture the boundary layers in CFD with Low Reynolds turbulence modeling that can have aspect ratio as high as 104. It is based on the...
April 10, 2012 (v1)Journal articleAutomatic coarsening of three dimensional anisotropic unstructured meshes for multigrid applicationsUploaded on: December 3, 2022
October 26, 2005 (v1)Conference paper
Une méthode de simulation numérique directe a été développée pour l'écoulement de fluides fortement chargés, avec plusieurs populations de particules (fibres et sphères), pouvant entrer en collision. Ce fluide complexe modélise les écoulements de BMC (Bulk Molding Compound) utilisés par Schneider Electric. Une approche par domaines fictifs,...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
August 27, 2007 (v1)Conference paper
Une méthode de simulation numérique directe a été développée pour l'écoulement de mélange de fluides newtoniens et de particules rigides de formes et tailles diverses. Elle est basée sur une approche par domaine fictif, qui consiste à étendre le domaine fluide au doamine occupé par les particules (Glowinski et al(1999)) . L'écoulement étant...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
June 1, 2016 (v1)Book section
This chapter is dedicated to the simulation of composite forming processes. It concerns numerical methods for molding, at the different material scales, involving multiphysics analysis. From the different possible numerical techniques, we focus on a stabilized finite element method for the resolution of the continuum equations (mass, momentum...
Uploaded on: February 28, 2023 -
March 2012 (v1)Journal article
TA Mixed Finite Element (MFE) method for 3D non-steady flow of a viscoelastic compressible fluid is presented. It was used to compute polymer injection flows in a complex mold cavity, which involves moving free surfaces. The flow equations were derived from the Navier-Stokes incompressible equations, and we extended a mixed finite element...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
March 1, 2017 (v1)Journal article
Mesh adaptation has proven to be very efficient for simulating transient multiphase computational fluid dynamics applications. In this work, we present a new parallel anisotropic mesh adaptation technique relying on an edge based error estimator. It provides a high level of accuracy while substantially reducing the computational effort. This...
Uploaded on: February 28, 2023 -
August 27, 2007 (v1)Conference paper
Ce travail propose une approche multi-domaine pour modéliser l'écoulement d'un fluide complexe (un fluide de Bingham). Une attention plus particulière est portée à l'interface liquide-air et à l'orientation des fibres. Les applications concernent l'ajout de tiges de métal au béton liquide afin d'améliorer les propriétés mécaniques des...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
May 16, 2010 (v1)Conference paper
International audience
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
August 2012 (v1)Journal article
A precise procedure to generate complex 2D and 3D statistical virtual microstructures in a finite element (FE) context is described. This technique, based on Laguerre tessellations and advancing front method, level-set description of interfaces and anisotropic meshing adaptation, is detailed for equiaxial polycrystal and powder RVEs defined by...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
June 10, 2013 (v1)Conference paper
International audience
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
May 2013 (v1)Journal article
The laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) thermometry is applied to measure the temperature field surrounding a single vapor bubble growing at an artificial nucleation site. In order to correct measurement errors due to the non-uniformity of the incident laser intensity, the two-color LIF thermometry technique is used in this nucleate boiling...
Uploaded on: March 26, 2023 -
June 3, 2012 (v1)Conference paper
Fundamental comprehension of bubble growth on a heated surface is primordial to better understand the heat transfer during boiling phenomena. The behaviour of a bubble growing at a heated surface has been extensively studied by many authors using different numerical methods. To validate and complete these simulations, suitable experimental data...
Uploaded on: December 2, 2022