The performance of GaN transistors is still limited by physical and fabrication problems, mainly related to different kinds of traps. In this work, virgin transistors reveals strong low frequency dispersion both in the transconductance and output conductance, that we attribute to the presence of traps in the GaN channel and the ohmic contacts....
October 3, 2016 (v1)Conference paperUploaded on: December 4, 2022
March 2017 (v1)Journal article
The performance of gallium nitride transistors is still limited by technological problems often related to defects and traps. In this work, virgin AlGaN/AlN/GaN HEMTs exhibiting an anomalous DC behavior accompanied by frequency dispersion in the microwave range, both in the transconductance and output conductance, are analyzed. This anomalous...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022