The atomic spectrum of neutral promethium has been studied extensively by laser resonance ionization spectroscopy. We report on more than 1000 atomic transitions in the blue and near infrared spectral ranges, most of them between high excited energy levels. As Rydberg convergences could not be assigned unambiguously in the dense spectrum at...
September 27, 2022 (v1)PublicationAtomic transitions and the first ionization potential of promethium determined by laser spectroscopyUploaded on: March 24, 2023
May 20, 2020 (v1)Publication
The Nd-Pm-Sm branching is of interest for the study of the s-process, related to the production of heavy elements in stars. As 148Sm and 150Sm are s-only isotopes, the understanding of the branching allows constraining the s-process neutron density. In this context the key physics input needed is the cross section of the three unstable nuclides...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
February 7, 2022 (v1)Publication
The 72 Ge ( n , γ ) cross section was measured for neutron energies up to 300 keV at the neutron time-of-flight facility n _ TOF (CERN), Geneva, for the first time covering energies relevant to heavy-element synthesis in stars. The measurement was performed at the high-resolution beamline EAR-1, using an isotopically enriched 72 Ge O 2 ...
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023 -
April 8, 2021 (v1)Publication
The neutron capture cross sections of several unstable nuclides acting as branching points in the s process are crucial for stellar nucleosynthesis studies. The unstable Tm171 (t1/2=1.92 yr) is part of the branching around mass A∼170 but its neutron capture cross section as a function of the neutron energy is not known to date. In this work,...
Uploaded on: December 5, 2022