In this work we are concerned with the the numerical simulation of flames issued from combustion applications with a time-space adaptive technique. This study is carried out in a classical context of laminar flames interacting with vortex structures including self-ignition processes of reactive mixtures. Hydrodynamics are decoupled from...
January 3, 2012 (v1)Book sectionUploaded on: February 22, 2023
January 3, 2012 (v1)Book section
In this work we are concerned with the the numerical simulation of flames issued from combustion applications with a time-space adaptive technique. This study is carried out in a classical context of laminar flames interacting with vortex structures including self-ignition processes of reactive mixtures. Hydrodynamics are decoupled from...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
June 3, 2013 (v1)Journal article
This paper presents a new computational strategy for the simulation of combustion fronts based on adaptive time operator splitting and spatial multiresolution. High-order and dedicated one-step solvers compose the splitting scheme for the reaction, diffusion, and convection subproblems, to independently cope with their inherent numerical...
Uploaded on: December 2, 2022 -
December 22, 2011 (v1)Book section
We tackle the numerical simulation of reaction-diffusion equations modeling multi-scale reaction waves. This type of problems induces peculiar difficulties and potentially large stiffness which stem from the broad spectrum of temporal scales in the nonlinear chemical source term as well as from the presence of large spatial gradients in the...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
January 31, 2012 (v1)Journal article
In this paper, we tackle the numerical simulation of reaction-diffusion equations modeling multiscale reaction waves. This type of problems induces peculiar diffculties and potentially large stiffness which stem from the broad spectrum of temporal scales in the nonlinear chemical source term as well as from the presence of large spatial...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
October 2010 (v1)Conference paper
We tackle the numerical simulation of reaction-diffusion equations modeling multi-scale reaction waves. This type of problems induces peculiar difficulties and potentially large stiffness which stem from the broad spectrum of temporal scales in the nonlinear chemical source term as well as from the presence of large spatial gradients in the...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022