During the last years the arrival of multi-core processors or many-core processors as well as the increased complexity of programs have made more difficult the estimation of the worst case execution times (WCETs) of programs. The existing methods may produce estimates that are too pessimistic for some systems. As result new analyses based on...
July 7, 2014 (v1)Conference paperUploaded on: February 28, 2023
June 19, 2013 (v1)Conference paper
Probabilistic Timing Analysis (PTA) in general and its measurement-based variant called MBPTA in particular can mitigate some of the problems that impair current worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis techniques. MBPTA computes tight WCET bounds expressed as probabilistic exceedance functions, without needing much information on the hardware...
Uploaded on: October 11, 2023 -
June 19, 2013 (v1)Conference paper
Probabilistic Timing Analysis (PTA) in general and its measurement-based variant called MBPTA in particular can mitigate some of the problems that impair current worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis techniques. MBPTA computes tight WCET bounds expressed as probabilistic exceedance functions, without needing much information on the hardware...
Uploaded on: December 2, 2022 -
2013 (v1)Journal article
Static timing analysis is the state-of-the-art practice of ascertaining the timing behavior of current-generation real-time embedded systems. The adoption of more complex hardware to respond to the increasing demand for computing power in next-generation systems exacerbates some of the limitations of static timing analysis. In particular, the...
Uploaded on: December 2, 2022 -
2013 (v1)Journal article
Static timing analysis is the state-of-the-art practice of ascertaining the timing behavior of current-generation real-time embedded systems. The adoption of more complex hardware to respond to the increasing demand for computing power in next-generation systems exacerbates some of the limitations of static timing analysis. In particular, the...
Uploaded on: October 11, 2023 -
March 9, 2015 (v1)Conference paper
Probabilistic Timing Analysis (PTA) in general and its measurement-based variant called MBPTA in particular have been shown to facilitate the estimation of the worst-case execution time (WCET). MBPTA relies on specific hardware and software support to randomise and/or upper bound a number of sources of execution time variation to drastically...
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023 -
August 31, 2016 (v1)Conference paper
The use of increasingly complex hardware and software platforms in response to the ever rising performance demands of modern real-time systems complicates the verification and validation of their timing behaviour, which form a time-and-effort-intensive step of system qualification or certification. In this paper we relate the current state of...
Uploaded on: February 28, 2023