This work is dedicated to the study of the second harmonic generation (SHG) in III-Nitride waveguides. One of the main goals of this work, was to identify the origins of the propagation losses in GaN waveguides, and to strongly reduce them in waveguides presenting some phase matching possibilities, in order to improve the SHG efficiency. We...
March 30, 2018 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: December 4, 2022
2014 (v1)Journal article
In this work, we present the realization and the characterization of an optical waveguide made of AlN and GaN layers grown by MBE on Si(111) substrate. For the fundamental mode at 633nm, the propagation losses are in the order of 2 dB/cm, which is a good number for SC waveguides at this wavelength. The propagation losses dramatically increase...
Uploaded on: February 28, 2023 -
2024 (v1)Journal article
III-Nitride semiconductors offer a versatile platform for integrated photonic circuits operating from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared spectral range. Either pure AlN or pure GaN waveguiding layers have usually been investigated so far. In this work, we report on the study of GaN/AlN bilayers epitaxially-grown on a sapphire substrate for...
Uploaded on: March 3, 2024 -
July 4, 2017 (v1)Conference paper
Grâce à une nouvelle combinaison des modes de croissances EJM et MOCVD nous avons réalisés des guides d'onde à base d'AlN et de GaN mono-cristalins sur saphir qui présentent de très faibles pertes à la propagation. Nous avons pu démontrer que ces guides ont des possibilités très intéressantes de doublage de fréquence dans le proche IR et le...
Uploaded on: February 28, 2023 -
May 3, 2018 (v1)Publication
En combinant EJM et EPVOM nous avons réalisés des guides d'onde à base d'AlN et de GaN mono-cristallins qui présentent de très faibles pertes à la propagation et des possibilités d'accord de phase modal intéressantes. A partir de ces structures, nous avons réalisés des guides canaux dont nous présentons les performances linéaires et non...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
2017 (v1)Journal article
International audience
Uploaded on: February 28, 2023 -
September 30, 2016 (v1)Journal article
We demonstrate phase-matched second harmonic generation in gallium nitride on silicon microdisks. The microdisks are integrated with side-coupling bus waveguides in a two-dimensional photonic circuit. The second harmonic generation is excited with a continuous wave laser in the telecom band. By fabricating a series of microdisks with diameters...
Uploaded on: February 28, 2023 -
April 10, 2022 (v1)Conference paper
Following the demonstration of polariton lasing in GaN ridge polariton lasers [1,2], the polaritonic analog to conventional semiconductor diode lasers, we here analyse and model the laser dynamics in the interesting case of waveguide polaritons. The laser cavities are GaN etched ridge structures with DBRs operating under strong coupling [3] up...
Uploaded on: January 13, 2025 -
October 10, 2022 (v1)Conference paper
International audience
Uploaded on: January 13, 2025 -
November 23, 2020 (v1)Journal article
We investigate the demonstration and quantification of the strong coupling between excitons and guided photons in a GaN slab waveguide. The dispersions of waveguide polaritons are measured from T = 6 to 300 K through gratings. They are carefully analyzed within four models based on different assumptions, in order to assess the strong-coupling...
Uploaded on: January 13, 2025 -
July 2, 2019 (v1)Publication
The waveguide geometry is a new playground for the physics of polariton fluids. The exciton and guided photons can be brought to the strong coupling regime, in analogy with vertical microcavities. The low waveguide losses allow for long propagation distances, up to hundreds of microns. Recent achievements with waveguide polaritons include the...
Uploaded on: January 13, 2025 -
November 17, 2021 (v1)Journal article
GeSn alloys are promising materials for CMOS-compatible mid-infrared lasers manufacturing. Indeed, Sn alloying and tensile strain can transform them into direct bandgap semiconductors. This growing laser technology however suffers from a number of limitations, such as poor optical confinement, lack of strain, thermal, and defects management,...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
November 17, 2021 (v1)Journal article
GeSn alloys are promising materials for CMOS-compatible mid-infrared lasers manufacturing. Indeed, Sn alloying and tensile strain can transform them into direct bandgap semiconductors. This growing laser technology however suffers from a number of limitations, such as poor optical confinement, lack of strain, thermal, and defects management,...
Uploaded on: February 22, 2023 -
November 17, 2021 (v1)Journal article
GeSn alloys are promising materials for CMOS-compatible mid-infrared lasers manufacturing. Indeed, Sn alloying and tensile strain can transform them into direct bandgap semiconductors. This growing laser technology however suffers from a number of limitations, such as poor optical confinement, lack of strain, thermal, and defects management,...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
November 17, 2021 (v1)Journal article
GeSn alloys are promising materials for CMOS-compatible mid-infrared lasers manufacturing. Indeed, Sn alloying and tensile strain can transform them into direct bandgap semiconductors. This growing laser technology however suffers from a number of limitations, such as poor optical confinement, lack of strain, thermal, and defects management,...
Uploaded on: February 22, 2023 -
November 17, 2021 (v1)Journal article
Abstract GeSn alloys are promising materials for CMOS-compatible mid-infrared lasers manufacturing. Indeed, Sn alloying and tensile strain can transform them into direct bandgap semiconductors. This growing laser technology however suffers from a number of limitations, such as poor optical confinement, lack of strain, thermal, and defects...
Uploaded on: January 13, 2025