This CIFRE doctoral thesis is part of a collaborative research project between the I3S laboratory of the University of Côte d'Azur and the Silex company, and addresses the field of recommendation systems. Silex is a start-up that develops a Software-as-a-Service sourcing tool that allows companies to provide a description of their professional...
March 26, 2021 (v1)PublicationUploaded on: December 4, 2022
January 22, 2024 (v1)Conference paper
For many educational applications, such as learning resource recommendation systems, the textual difficulty of a text is a key information. Today, the best results for this task are obtained by using NLP and deep learning techniques. However, the use of these methods can result in the loss of statistical linguistic information that is important...
Uploaded on: December 25, 2023 -
June 27, 2022 (v1)Conference paper
Avec la transformation numérique, l'adaptation et le développ-ement des compétences sont devenus des facteurs majeurs pour améliorerles performances des collaborateurs et des entreprises. Comprendre lesbesoins des collaborateurs et les aider à atteindre leurs objectifs de déve-loppement de carrière est un véritable défi aujourd'hui. Dans ce...
Uploaded on: February 22, 2023 -
June 30, 2022 (v1)Conference paper
With the digital transformation, adaptation and development of skills have become key factors in improving employee and company performance. Understanding the needs of employees and helping them achieve their career development goals is a real challenge today. In this work, we share our experience to implement an automatic recommendation system...
Uploaded on: December 3, 2022 -
October 16, 2021 (v1)Journal article
Ontology alignment plays a key role in the management of heterogeneous data sources and metadata. In this context, various ontology alignment techniques have been proposed to discover correspondences between the entities of different ontologies. This paper proposes a new ontology alignment approach based on a set of rules exploiting the...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
December 14, 2020 (v1)Conference paper
Recommender systems provide suggestions to users for items that best meet their needs. In this work, we study the benefits of using knowledge and, more specifically, a 'bag of concepts' representation to enhance a recommender system in the sourcing domain. We tested our approach in a real-world case study provided by the Silex company. The...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
September 9, 2019 (v1)Conference paper
International audience
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
July 3, 2023 (v1)Conference paper
This work is carried out in the framework of the IRN Zoomathia which aims to study the transmission of zoo- logical knowledge from Antiquity to the Middle Ages. In this context, a first work of manual annotation of Pline's Naturalis Historia (books 8-11) on ancient zoology using concepts gathered in the thesaurus TheZoo was done by classicists....
Uploaded on: July 13, 2023 -
June 29, 2020 (v1)Conference paper
In a number of areas, companies are often faced with the task of dealing with large amounts of textual customers' requests. Automating information extraction like key phrases from customers' requests can help to accelerate the processing process. Silex France is currently facing this challenge in the context of processing sourcing requests.In...
Uploaded on: December 4, 2022 -
November 27, 2023 (v1)Conference paper
We present an approach to semantically annotate the paragraphs of the ancient zoological text Naturalis Historia (Pliny the Elder) according to the concepts in the domain thesaurus TheZoo.
Uploaded on: October 11, 2023 -
October 28, 2014 (v1)Conference paper
Cet article présente un travail préliminaire réalisé dans le cadre du GDRI Zoomathia qui vise l'étude de la transmission des savoirs zoologiques de l'Antiquité au Moyen Age. A partir de deux textes médiévaux latins de grande taille (encyclopédies) précédemment annotés en XML, nous avons construit une ontologie RDFS et une base de données RDF,...
Uploaded on: March 25, 2023